Page 44 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 44


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            NEWLY DEVELOPED SYLLABUS                            •   The rapid, ubiquitous development and evolution of
                                                                    Artificial Intelligence which has resulted in its deployment
            BIOTECHNOLOGY                                           in a variety of areas and has had a substantial financial
            A  Panel  meeting  was  held  in  August  2020.  The  Panellists   influence on the essential functions of all industries. Areas
            reviewed and finalised all General Objectives, and Specific   such as retail, autonomous vehicles, manufacturing,
            Objectives in an effort to clarify them. The content for some   finance, customer service, sports, health, law, architecture,
            Specific Objectives were updated to ensure that the breadth   entertainment, education, space, military activities
            and depth to which the knowledge and skills in each Module   among others have experienced increased productivity,
            should be covered was clear. The Suggested Teaching and   and achieved higher efficiencies through the use of AI
            Learning Activities were also reviewed and finalised for all   enabled assistance. It will change the landscape of the
            Modules of the syllabus. The activities were designed to help   workforce, social life and life in general. Tools based on
            teachers cater to the different learning styles. The Resources   AI and ground-breaking innovations have emerged over
            were updated for all the Modules. The Specimen Paper, keys   the last decade. For software developers and tools and
            and mark scheme were also developed.                    frameworks  are  being  developed  that  enable  the  rapid
                                                                    and straightforward use of AI technology within their
            The final draft of the syllabus, along with specimen examination   code.
            papers, keys and mark schemes, were submitted to SUBSEC in
            November 2020 for approval. The syllabus was approved. The   There  has  been  exponential  growth  in  careers  in  the  field
            approved syllabus and copies of the specimen examination   of Artificial Intelligence, including software analysts and
            papers, keys and mark schemes will be released to schools for   developers, computer scientists and computer engineers,
            teaching in September 2021, for first examination in May–June   algorithm  specialists, mechanical engineers,  maintenance
            2022.                                               technicians, manufacturing and electrical engineers, surgical
                                                                technicians working with robotic tools, research scientists and
            SYLLABUSES UNDER DEVELOPMENT                        engineering consultants, medical health professionals working
                                                                with artificial limbs, hearing aids and vision restoration devices,
            ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                             graphic art designers, and digital musicians among others.
            At  its  meeting  held  in  April  2020,  SUBSEC  received  the
            Concept Paper for the Development of the  CAPE®  Artificial   The extensive growth in this field of technology requires that
            Intelligence Syllabus. The proposal to develop the syllabus is   we are guided by the principles espoused by the proponents of
            informed by considerations such as:                 the Social Reconstruction Relevance perceptions of curriculum
            •   The exponential growth in the use of digital technology   development. These principles promote the development of
               which is one of the biggest factors shaping the future of   a curriculum which responds to divergent emerging societal
               work and is a necessary ingredient for development, to   needs. Such a curriculum will expose learners to the requisite
               add value and build economies. Artificial Intelligence (AI)   knowledge, skills and abilities to creatively  and innovatively
               is also a critical element in this fourth industrial revolution   respond to the changing societal demands in their roles as
               and over the past decade it has become one of the most   reformers and transformers (Eisner and Valance, 1974).
               notable fields of computer science.

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