Page 49 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 49

World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            ANIMATION AND GAME DESIGN                           The mark scheme for the assessment tasks for both units
            At  a  meeting  held  27–29  October  2020,  the  Review   was also revised to eliminate irrelevant descriptors, adjust
            Committee for CAPE® Animation and Game Design analysed   the weighting and enhance alignment with the requirements
            stakeholders’ comments and concerns as expressed in   of the task. This will provide greater guidance to users and
            questionnaires, interviews and reports, evaluated candidates’   increase the reliability of scoring. The Suggested Teaching and
            performance in the examinations and proposed amendments   Learning Activities and the list of resources were also revised
            to the syllabus and examinations in light of their comments,   to  provide  improved  guidance  and  support  for  the  delivery
            concerns, students’ performance as well as the Council’s   of the syllabus, enhance opportunities for developing critical
            policy requirements. Consequently, they revised all aspects   cognitive and twenty-first century skills and generally enhance
            of the syllabus to enhance the components and to ensure   the experience of the users.
            compliance with the policies of the Council.
                                                                The  Review  Committee  also  conceptualised  the  outline  for
            As such, the Rationale was revised  to ensure that  it was   a Paper 032, the Alternative to the Paper 031, the SBA, to
            compliant  with  the  policy, philosophical,  political and   facilitate the inclusion of the out-of-school population. The
            psychological principles embraced by the Council. The Aims   following description would obtain:
            and General Objectives were revised to ensure alignment with
            the focus of the Rationale, while the Specific Objectives and   Paper 032: A practical examination assessing achievement
            Content were revised to ensure they appropriately delineated   in all three modules.  Candidates will be required to apply
            the  breadth  and depth  of  content  coverage  currency  and   design skills in the creation of products based on a given
            relevance for each Module.                              scenario and other stimulus material.

            Adjustments were made to the cognitive demand of some   The duration will be two hours and it will value 75 marks or 60
            Specific Objectives, reordering of the sequence of others, the   per cent of the total assessment for the syllabus.
            removal of a few and the addition of new Specific Objectives.
            Additionally, adjustments were made to the Content of the   The Review Committee also ensured the alignment of the
            syllabus to effectively delineate the requirements, enhance the   syllabus with the relevant assessment policies of the Council.
            specificity and provide better guidance for the facilitators and   For example, the following statement was included in the
            learners. These changes were deemed necessary to improve   relevant section of the syllabus to encourage the use of
            the scope and sequence and the currency and relevance of   groups:
            the syllabus.
                                                                    …the use of group work is encouraged in the School-
            For  the Assessment  component,  the Review Committee   Based Assessment in order to facilitate the development
            agreed that for the School-Based Assessment for Unit 1, the   of collaborative skills among candidates. As such, groups
            weighting for the critical analysis task will be reduced from   of a maximum of five candidates are encouraged.’
            60 to 30 while the weighting for the Production Bible will be
            increased from 60 to 90 to reflect a greater emphasis on the
            practical component of the assessment.

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