Page 46 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 46
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
It also supports the idea that the curriculum of the twenty- Resultantly, learners will be able to apply knowledge and
first century must enable learners to develop fundamental skills innovatively and creatively and produce solutions to
technological skills, and the knowledge specific to skills problems while practising safe, legal and responsible use
in machine design and control systems and machine of information and technology. Therefore, developing a
learning which are critical in this fast-paced society. CAPE® syllabus in Robotics will enhance the development
Additionally, it supports the integration of Science, of critical skills, attitudes and competencies required to
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) effectively function in the dynamic twenty-first century
education, which requires that students are exposed to learning and working environments.
a body of knowledge, core principles, trends, skills, and
new technologies that currently and will futuristically (d) The Council’s current offerings at the CAPE®, CSEC®
impact the Caribbean and the world. and CCSLC® levels which focus on technology, includes
Information Technology (IT), Computer Science, and
(c) The imperative of the Caribbean Examinations Council Digital Media, Animation and Game Design and Digital
which is to design a product which will enable learners Literacy. In response to market needs, it is felt that a
at the upper secondary level to better leverage syllabus in Robotics will contribute to preparing learners
technology to explore, create, reform and transform, while for further study at the tertiary level as well as provide
demonstrating responsible citizenship; to help learners a foundation for vocational training and to thrive in an
who wish to pursue studies in the field of engineering increasingly technology driven world.
or other related fields to develop relevant practical
foundational skills in the field; to produce learners who The Aims and General Objectives as well as the approaches
are creative and innovative thinkers, and are equipped to for teaching learning and assessment were designed based
collaborate and communicate effectively and to critically on the philosophical, psychological and political underpinnings
engage with information and contexts to solve problems which guide syllabus development.
and make informed decisions; understand cultural, ethical
legal and human issues in using technology as well as The Concept Paper was submitted to the April 2020
demonstrate an understanding of the importance of meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to proceed with
sustainability in the use of technology. the development of the syllabus. The request was approved.
A Working Committee has been developed and work will
Additionally, these learners will develop the potential to commence on the syllabus as soon as relevant supporting
demonstrate an understanding of the general concepts, decisions are determined.
theories and applications of engineering as it relates to
robots and robotics system concepts, and demonstrate
proficient use of these systems and operations.