Page 45 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 45

World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            Prensky (2006), recommends that our education must respond   to the STEM area standards (National Science Standards,
            to the change in the characteristics of our twenty-first century   Technological Literacy Standards) and the International
            learners, the changing times as well as the changes in the   Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA)
            tools, and the requisite skills and knowledge features of our   Standards for Technological Literacy.
            twenty-first century landscape. He highlights the importance of
            a proactive response of policy makers and persons entrusted   The Aims are also guided by the International Society for
            with the stewardship of the education of twenty-first century   Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for learners
            learners.                                           developed by UNESCO and its partners. The other elements
                                                                of the syllabus as well as the approaches for teaching learning
            Singh (2019) posits that these twenty-first century learners   and assessment will be guided by current research in the
            require a more innovative and practical learning environment,   field including the philosophical, psychological and political
            one which generates interest and engagement for learners   underpinnings which guide syllabus development.
            and can be advanced through exposure to a course in Artificial
            Intelligence,  as  both  a  tool  for  learning  and  an  avenue  for   The  Concept  Paper  was  submitted  to  the April  2020
            solving problems. This exposure will provide learners with   meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to proceed with
            more efficient technological education, and will raise interest in   the development of the syllabus. The request was approved.
            the sciences, programming, artificial intelligence and robotics   A Working Committee has been developed and work will
            among students.                                     commence on the syllabus as soon as relevant supporting
                                                                decisions are determined.
            The Council’s current offerings at the  CAPE®, CSEC®
            and CCSLC®  levels  which focus on technology, includes   ROBOTICS
            Information Technology (IT), Computer Science, and Digital   At  its  meeting  held  in  April  2020,  SUBSEC  received  the
            Media, Animation and Game Design and Digital Literacy. In   Concept Paper for the Development of the CAPE® Robotics
            response to market needs, it is felt that a syllabus in Artificial   Syllabus. The proposal to develop the syllabus is informed by
            Intelligence  will contribute to preparing learners  for further   considerations such as:
            study at the tertiary level as well as provide a foundation for
            vocational training and to thrive in an increasingly technology-  (a)  The expansion in the deployment and use of autonomous
            driven world. Additionally, the subject is not offered at the   and remotely operated systems globally and the potential
            secondary level.                                        financial impact on the core functions of all industries.

            The Aims and General Objectives are informed by the   (b)  The need to align  CXC®’s product offerings with the
            guidelines of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial   dynamic  demands  of  society  and  in  keeping  with  the
            Intelligence (AAAI) founded in 1976. It promotes research and   Social Reconstruction Relevance conception of curriculum
            responsible use of artificial intelligence, and aims to improve   development. This supports the creation of a connection
            teaching and training of AI professionals. They are aligned   between what is taught in schools and the demands of a
                                                                    dynamic society.

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