Page 48 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 48


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            associated assessment instruments as well as the revision of   keys and  mark schemes will  be submitted  to SUBSEC in
            the Paper 032, the Alternative to the SBA, to ensure greater   October 2021, for approval. If approval is granted, the syllabus
            alignment to the skills assessed in the Paper 031 and to reduce   and copies of the specimen examination papers, keys and
            the number of items from nine to six for Unit 2, Paper 032, in   mark schemes will be distributed to schools in September
            response to the policy requirements.                2022, for first examination in May–June 2023.

            They also suggested revising the instructions and mark   AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE
            scheme, especially as it relates to the requirements of the   A Panel meeting was held in February 2020. The Panellists
            SBA and the Alternative to the SBA, so as to provide greater   reviewed and refined the Rationale and Aims to reflect key
            clarity and guidance to candidates and teachers and the   concepts and to ensure greater alignment with the key areas
            external assessment tasks to ensure that the items are at the   of the syllabus. The General Objectives were also reviewed
            appropriate level of demand, clearly aligned to the Specific   and refined to align with the changes made to the Aims and
            Objectives, and to ensure that the items on Paper 2 encourage   to ensure that they captured the cognitive, affective  and
            greater application of twenty-first century skills.  psychomotor domains.

            An amendment was also made to the assessment component   Specific Objectives and the related Content were examined
            of the existing Accounting Syllabus to include the SBA topics   and adjusted where deemed necessary to ensure that the
            for 2021 and 2022. These are:                       depth and scope were clear. Some Specific Objectives
                                                                were reworded, rearranged in a logical teaching order, with
            Topic for 2021: In the Caribbean, there are business entities   new ones written and a few deleted in the Modules. The
            operating which are headquartered in many different countries.   Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were reviewed
            Assess how accounting  standards assist these entities  in   for all Modules to help teachers engage students in learning
            satisfying reporting requirements.                  experiences which would encourage the development of the
                                                                practical twenty-first century skills, and a greater infusion of
            Topic for 2022: Users of financial statements make economic   technology in the implementation of the syllabus.
            decisions using the information produced by the accounting
            process. In order for information to be useful, it must be reliable   The draft syllabus was submitted and approved by SUBSEC
            and faithfully represent what it purports to represent. Assess   in April 2020. A Panel meeting to complete the revision of the
            the impact of internal control systems on published financial   syllabus and to develop specimen papers, keys and marks
            statements.                                         scheme will be held in 2021.  The final draft of the syllabus
                                                                along with the specimen examination papers, keys and mark
            The draft syllabus was submitted to the April 2020 meeting of   schemes  will be submitted  to SUBSEC in  October 2021 for
            SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the revision of the   approval. If approval is granted, the syllabus and copies of the
            syllabus. The request was approved. A Panel meeting will be   specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be
            convened in May 2021 to finalise the syllabus. The final draft   distributed to schools in September 2022, for first examination
            of the syllabus, along with the specimen examination papers,   in May–June 2023.

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