Page 52 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 52
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
approved the syllabus and copies of the specimen examination and twenty-first century skills to enhance the implementation
papers, keys and mark schemes will be distributed to schools of the syllabus.
in September 2021, for first examination in May–June 2022.
Additionally, the Committee recommended the review of the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP assessment component of the syllabus and changing the
The Review Committee met 14–16 October2019 and weighting for the SBA, Paper 032, external assessment for
analysed teachers’ comments and concerns as expressed in each Unit to 50 per cent, redesigning the Paper 032 using a
questionnaires, interviews and reports, evaluated candidates’ case or scenario as a basis for assessing similar skills to those
performance in the examinations, and proposed amendments assessed in the SBA, including a pitch deck valued 5 marks
to the CAPE® Entrepreneurship Syllabus and examinations in as part of the oral presentation requirement for Unit 2. They
light of the policy requirements of the Council. The Committee also recommended that the supporting instructions and mark
recommended the revision all aspects of the syllabus including schemes be clearly articulated to provide greater guidance,
refining the Rationale and the General Objectives to ensure enhanced reliability and reduced ambiguity and subjectivity.
they reflected the twenty-first century skills, attributes of the Additionally, they recommended that the syllabus be aligned
Ideal Caribbean Person, UNESCO Pillars of Learning and the with the required policies.
political, philosophical and psychological considerations for
syllabus development. The Rationale was adjusted to include An amendment was also made to assessment component of
the recommended approaches to teaching the syllabus as well the existing Entrepreneurship Syllabus to include the industries
as a focus on teamwork, positive work ethics, and independent for 2021 and 2022. These are:
and critical thinking. • Industries for 2021: Transportation Industry;
Entertainment Industry
The Specific Objectives were revised to ensure the • Industries for 2022: Agriculture Industry; Sports
appropriate taxonomic level and that the knowledge, attitudes Industry
and competencies that students are required to develop were
sufficiently covered. Consequently, new General and Specific The draft syllabus was submitted to the April 2020 meeting of
Objectives were added to better reflect the focus of the SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the revision of the
syllabus. syllabus. The request was approved. The draft syllabus with the
proposed amendments will be sent to subject specialists and a
The Review Committee recommended a change in the layout sample of teachers of the subject in each Participating Territory
to have the Content adjacent to the Specific Objectives for for their comments to be considered at a Panel meeting will be
easier reference. They also revisited and reorganised the convened in May 2021 to complete the revision of the syllabus.
Content to ensure a more appropriate sequence, greater The finalised syllabus along with the specimen examination
clarity, specificity, currency and relevance as well as to more papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC
effectively delineate the Content. The Review Committee in October 2021, for approval. If approval is granted, the
also updated the list of resources in the syllabus to ensure syllabus and copies of the specimen examination papers, keys
currency and relevance and refined the Suggested Teaching and mark schemes will be distributed to schools in September
and Learning Activities to ensure integration of technology 2022, for first examination in May–June 2023.