Page 55 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 55
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
Sporting Options were also reviewed to include the addition business activities. The Aims were adjusted (2, 5, 7, 9, 10) and
of Archery, Cycling, Fencing and Water Polo. The suggested new Aims (4, 6, 8) constructed to better reflect the focus of the
list of resources was also updated for all Modules to include Aims and the direction of the syllabus. These were to:
relevant and current websites and textbooks. • develop critical thinking skills that will provide
opportunities for acquisition of prerequisite knowledge
The first draft of the revised syllabus was submitted to SUBSEC and skills necessary to pursue further studies and career
in November 2020. The request to continue development was development;
approved. Consequently, a Panel Meeting to complete the
revision will be convened in 2021. The final draft of the syllabus • develop effective communication skills that support
along with the specimen examination papers, keys and mark organisational success; and,
schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in October 2021 for
approval. If approval is granted, the syllabus and copies of the • develop an appreciation of the value of utilising emerging
specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be technologies in managing organisations.
distributed to schools in September 2022, for first examination
in May–June 2023. The General Objectives were refined and new ones
constructed to better support the scope of the syllabus. The
MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS Specific Objectives were revised to ensure the appropriate
The Review Committee met 4–6 November 2019 and analysed cognitive demand and to ensure that the knowledge, attitudes
stakeholders’ comments and concerns as expressed in and competencies that students are required to develop were
questionnaires, interviews and reports, evaluated candidates’ sufficiently covered.
performance in the examinations, and proposed amendments
to the syllabus and examinations in light of their performance, The Committee recommended a change in the layout to have
and to the syllabuses in light of the comments, concerns from the Content adjacent to the Specific Objectives for easier
stakeholders and the policy requirements of the Council. The reference. They also recommended that the title for Unit 1
Committee recommended that the Panel revised all aspects Module 3 be changed to Business Finance and Financial
of the syllabus including changing the layout of the syllabus Decision Making to better support the focus of the Unit.
and refining the Rationale, Aims and the General Objectives They also revisited and reorganised the Specific Objectives
to ensure they reflected construct including the twenty-first and Content to ensure there was enhanced compliance with
century skills and the philosophical, political psychological the criteria for selecting an organising Content as well as to
underpinning which support the imperatives of the Council more effectively delineate its scope. The committee also
as well as the attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, and recommended that the list of resources in the syllabus be
UNESCO Pillars of Learning. The Rationale was adjusted to updated to ensure currency and to include relevant electronic
include the factors that influence and drive business decisions, sources. Additionally, they recommended the revision of the
sustainable business practices, recommended approaches Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities to ensure that
to teaching the syllabus as well as on attributes of the Ideal they were reflecting an authentic, student-centred focus,
Caribbean Person which focused on adopting appropriate and integration of technology and were suitable for enhancing the
acceptable attitudes, values and ethical practices relating to development and application of twenty-first century skills.