Page 59 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 59

World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )

            The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  actions  which  were   (g)  Adjusting the layout of each section of the syllabus to
            recommended by the Review Committee:                    include the relevant General Objectives and aligning the
            (a)  Revision of the Rationale to ensure  it appropriately   components of the syllabus.
               reflects the attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, the
               twenty-first  century  skills  and  the  approach  to  teaching   (h)  Reviewing the outline of the Assessment components to
               and learning which are fundamental to the syllabus.  ensure compliance with policy requirements.

            (b)  Revision of the Aims, to ensure that they are written in   (i)   Inclusion of a list of print and electronic resources and a
               keeping with sound curriculum development principles.  Glossary of terms in the syllabus.

            (c)  Revision of the General Objectives to ensure appropriate   The draft syllabus was submitted to the November 2020
               coverage  of  the  scope  of  the  syllabus,  and  placing  the   meeting of SUBSEC requesting approval to complete the
               relevant General Objectives in the relevant sections of the   revision of the syllabus. The request was granted. As such, the
               syllabus.                                        draft syllabus with the proposed amendments will be sent to
                                                                subject specialists and a sample of teachers of the subject in
            (d)  Clarification, elaboration and development of Specific   each Participating Territory for their comments. The responses
               Objectives and related Content to adequately reflect the   will be analysed and used at a Panel meeting to be held in
               criteria for developing SMART objectives and the criteria   June 2021 to finalise the syllabus. SUBSEC is also asked note
               for effective selection and organisation of Content, as well   that the finalised syllabus and specimen examination papers
               as to ensure the adequate cognitive demand and scope   and mark schemes will be submitted for approval in October
               of the syllabus.                                 2021. The revised syllabus will become effective for teaching
                                                                from September 2022 and for examinations  in May–June
            (e)  Revision of existing Suggested Teaching and Learning   2024.
               Activities  in each  section  of the  syllabus,  and  creation
               of new activities to facilitate the development of the   SOCIAL STUDIES
               desired knowledge, skills and attitudes, and the effective   The CSEC® Social Studies Review Committee, at its Review
               engagement of the learners through the promotion of a   Committee  Meeting  which  culminated  in  May  2020,  began
               more interactive and practical approach to teaching the   the process of comprehensively reviewing the syllabus. The
               concepts while facilitating the development of twenty-first   main aims of the review were to identify the competencies,
               century skills and catering to the diversity among learners.  knowledge and attitudes that students might reasonably be
                                                                expected to demonstrate and the most appropriate ways
            (f)  Continuation of the research and discussion surrounding   to assess the requirements of the syllabus in light of the
               the skills and competencies emphasised in the Office   proposed changes. Accordingly, the Review Committee
               Administration Syllabus and the  CSEC® EDPM Syllabus   revisited the Rationale, Aims, General and Specific Objectives,
               to determine if there is adequate alignment to facilitate a   Content, Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities and
               cognate approach to the assessment of the Syllabuses.   the  Outline  of  Assessment  to  ensure  that  they  align  to  the

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