Page 54 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 54


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                              The Panel revised the components of the CAPE® Information
            The Review Committee met November and December 2017.   Technology Syllabus in keeping with the recommendations
            The Committee analysed teachers’ comments and concerns   from the Review Committee and feedback  from Subject
            as expressed in questionnaires and reports, evaluated   Matter Specialists and teachers. Additionally, the Panel
            candidates’ performance in the examinations and proposed   revised the Paper 02 examination structure and the School-
            amendments to the syllabus and examinations in light of their   Based  Assessment  guidelines  to  conform  to  the  Council’s
            performance, and amendments to the syllabuses in light of   Assessment Policy.  The word limit for CAPE®, which is 1,500
            these comments and concerns and policy requirements. The   words and group work were also included.
            Committee recommended that the Panel revise all aspects of
            the syllabus including refining and reorganising the Rationale   Another Panel Meeting to complete the development of the
            and the General and Specific Objectives  to ensure that   Assessment component was held in December 2019.
            the knowledge, attitudes and competencies that students
            are required to develop were sufficiently covered. The   A request for approval of the final draft of the syllabus along
            Committee revisited and reorganised the Content to ensure   with the specimen examination papers, keys and mark
            clarity, currency and relevance as well as to ensure a more   schemes will be submitted to SUBSEC in April 2021.  If the
            coherent approach to organising the syllabus. The committee   approval is granted, the approved syllabus and copies of the
            also updated the list of resources in the syllabus to ensure   specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be
            currency and relevance and refined the Suggested Teaching   distributed to schools in September 2021, for first examination
            and Learning Activities to enhance the implementation of the   in May–June 2022.
                                                                INTEGRATED MATHEMATICS
            The following Aims were added to the syllabus:      A Review Committee meeting was held was held in June 2020.
            10.   develop creative, collaborative, communicative and   The Committee members reviewed and refined the Aims and
               critical thinking skills using appropriate Information and   General Objectives to ensure that they were in alignment and
               Communication Technologies (ICTs); and,          that they captured the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
                                                                domains. Specific Objectives, and the related Content were
            11.   prepare students for tertiary level studies and employment   examined and adjusted where deemed necessary to ensure
               in technology-oriented professions               that the depth and scope were clear. Some Specific Objectives
                                                                were reworded, rearranged in a logical teaching order, new
            SUBSEC was asked to consider the proposals of the Review   ones written and a few removed that were extensively covered
            Committee for revising the  CAPE®  Information Technology   in the CSEC® Mathematics Syllabus.
            Syllabus.  Approval was granted. The draft syllabus containing
            these proposed amendments was sent to subject specialists   The Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were
            and a sample  of teachers of  the subject  in Participating   reviewed for all Modules to help teachers cater to the different
            Territories for their comments. The responses were analysed   learning styles, to encourage the development of practical and
            and used at a Panel meeting convened to finalise the syllabus   twenty-first century skills and to encourage a greater infusion
            in October and a follow up meeting in December 2018.   of technology in the implementation  of the syllabus. The

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