Page 57 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 57
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
Additional meetings will be held to refine the Objectives, ensure adequate demand of the Modules for both Units and
Content, Assessment and Specimen Paper in preparation the inclusion of more current and relevant content areas, to
for submission to the October 2021 meeting of SUBSEC for include emerging trends, ethical and moral considerations.
approval. If approval is granted, the syllabus and copies of the Additionally, the Specific Objectives and Content were clarified
specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be to address the concerns arising from the analysis of teacher
distributed to schools in September 2022, for first examination comments and concerns.
in May–June 2023.
They recommended the revision of Suggested Teaching and
TOURISM Learning Activities in each Module of the syllabus to provide a
The Review Committee for CAPE® Tourism at its meetings greater level of authentic engagement of the learners and to
held 20–22 November 2019 and 14–15 January 2020, revised focus on helping them to develop critical twenty-first century
all aspects of the syllabus to enhance the components and skills while catering to their divergent needs. They also
to ensure compliance with the policies of the Council. The suggested the revision of and updating of the list of print and
Committee analysed stakeholders’ comments and concerns electronic resources to ensure relevance and currency which
as expressed in questionnaires, interviews and reports, were accepted and adjustments made to the sections of the
evaluated candidates’ performance in the examinations and syllabus. A column was also included which paralleled and
proposed amendments to the syllabus and examinations in aligned the Specific Objectives to the related Content to afford
light of their comments, concerns, students’ performance as for greater readability and ease of reference thereby making
well as the Council’s policy requirements. the syllabus user-friendly.
The Review Committee recommended the revision of the SUBSEC considered and subsequently approved the
Rationale and Aim and General Objectives to ensure they proposals of the Review Committee for revising the CAPE®
were reflecting the relevant reflect the twenty-first century Tourism Syllabus in April 2020. The draft syllabus containing
skills, attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, the UNESCO these proposed amendments was sent to subject specialists
Pillars of Learning and other areas for consideration based on and a sample of teachers of the subject in Participating
the political, philosophical and psychological considerations Territories for their comments. The responses will be analysed
for syllabus development. The Rationale was adjusted to and used at a Panel Meetings to be convened to finalise the
include the approach to teaching the syllabus as well as syllabus in March-April 2021.
relevant characteristics of the Ideal Caribbean Person. The
Rationale was also revised to reflect Tourism as a vehicle for The final draft of the syllabus along with the specimen
economic growth and development in the Caribbean as well examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted
as its importance as an export industry. to SUBSEC in October 2021 for approval. If the request is
approved, the approved syllabus and copies of the specimen
The Specific Objectives and Content of the syllabus were examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be distributed
carefully elaborated to effectively delineate the scope for the to schools in September 2022, for first examination in May–
knowledge and skills to be covered in each Module and to June 2023.