Page 62 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 62


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence

            (CCSLC )

            SYLLABUSES UNDER REVISION                           (d)  Inclusion of more current and relevant context areas such
            ENGLISH                                                 as  referencing,  responsibilities  of  citizens,  constitutions
            At its meeting  held in  November 2018,  the Panel reviewed   and convention on rights and  school and community
            all aspects of the syllabus, with the main aim of delineating   restoration.
            the competencies, knowledge and attitudes that students
            might  reasonably  be  expected  to  demonstrate.  The  Panel   (e)  Revision of Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities in
            also revisited the Specific Objectives to ensure that they   each Module of the syllabus to add clarity to the Context
            adequately  reflect  the  expected  competencies,  knowledge   as well as to help teachers better integrate technology,
            and attitudes of the students; revisited the Content areas to   cater to diversity among learners and to stimulate and
            ensure that they were clearly delineated, current and relevant;   maintain interest in the subject area.
            and refined the Assessment Outline and SBA tasks to ensure
            that the critical language skills are optimally assessed.   (f)  Revision of the requirements for the SBA tasks to ensure
                                                                    essential skills such as  resume development,  creative
            The following is a summary of the actions taken:        writing and referencing are being assessed.
            (a)  Revision  of  the   Generic  and  Subject-Specific
               Competencies, Outcomes of the Curriculum and the   (g)  Revision of the Suggested Formative Assessment Tasks
               Main Elements of the Curriculum. The list of Generic   to ensure that teachers have a greater appreciation of
               Competencies was amended to include  creativity and   the diverse ways in which they can continuously assess
               innovation, flexibility and adaptability, diversity awareness,   students’ learning.
               information, communications and technology literacy,
               environmental literacy and  health, safety and wellness   The  final  draft  of  the  syllabus  along  with  the  specimen
               literacy. Some of the existing literacies were re-phrased to   examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted
               ensure that they better align with how they are referenced   for approval  by SUBSEC in October  2021.  The  approved
               in the common set of twenty-first century skills and   syllabus  along  with  the  specimen  examination  papers,  keys
               Wagner’s Survival Skills. In addition, Digital Literacy was   and mark schemes will be distributed to schools in May–June
               added to the list of Subject-Specific Competencies.    2022, for first examination in May–June 2024.

            (b)  Revision of the Rationale, Aims and General Objectives to   INTEGRATED SCIENCE
               ensure that the attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Citizen,   A Panel Meeting was held in May 2019. The Panellists
               UNESCO Pillars of Learning, the twenty-first century skills   reviewed and refined all aspects of the draft syllabus. Changes
               and the role of technology are appropriately integrated.   were made to the Rationale, Aims, and Competencies to Be
                                                                Assessed. The Rationale was revised to reflect the thrust in
            (c)  Refinement and elaboration of Specific Objectives to   developing the twenty-first century skills, the incorporation of
               ensure that the Specific Objectives individually target one   Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM)
               behaviour, except in cases where the use of two verbs is   principles and the importance of the suggested teaching,
               unavoidable.                                     learning and assessment strategies. This is captured in
                                                                paragraph two of the Rationale and reads,

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