Page 34 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 34


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )

            Candidate performance improved on the multiple-choice   Overall, 75 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I–III,
            paper, Paper 01, while performance on the School-Based   a figure which was consistent with that on 2019 examination.
            Assessment, Paper 03, remained consistent over the three-
            year period.                                        There was improvement in the performance on Profile
                                                                2,  Knowledge  and  Comprehension,  with  88  per  cent  of
            FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH                          candidates achieving Grades A-C, an increase over 2019. On
            In 2020, 91.16 per cent of candidates obtained Grades I–III   Profile 1, Practical Skills, there was a decline in performance
            compared to 91.58 per cent in 2019 and 89.74 per cent in 2018.  as 70 per cent of candidates achieved Grades A-C compared
                                                                with 93 per cent in 2019. On Profile 3, Use of Knowledge, the
            For Profile 1, 79.87 percent of candidates obtained Grades A-C   proportion of candidates achieving Grades A-C was 60 per
            compared to 83.36 per cent in 2019 and 77.72 per cent in 2018.  cent; a figure consistent with 2019.

            For Profile 2, 86.88 per cent of candidates obtained Grade A-C   HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY
            compared to per cent in 83.01 in 2019 and 75.28 per cent in   The overall performance of candidates, in 2020, was
            2018.                                               comparable to that of the previous year, with 52.2 per cent
                                                                of candidates achieving acceptable grades, Grades I–III,
            For Profile 3, 90.81 per cent of candidates obtained Grades   compared with 52.2 per cent of candidates in 2019 and 64.4
            A-C compared to 96.30 per cent in 2019 and 96.49 per cent   per cent in 2018.
            in 2018.
                                                                There was an improvement in performance on Profile 1,
            FRENCH                                              Knowledge  and  Comprehension,  and  Profile  2,  Use  of
            In 2020, 70.5 percent of the candidates achieved acceptable   Knowledge over last year.
            Grades, I–III, in comparison to 64 percent in 2019 and 71
            percent in 2018.  There were improved performances on   INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY
            Profiles 2 (Reading), 3 (Speaking) and 4 (Writing). Profile 1 was   Option A (Electrical)
            comparable to the performance in 2019.              In 2020, 3688 candidates took the Option A examination which
                                                                is a slight decrease from 2019 which had 3588 candidates
            Approximately, 16 per cent of candidates received Grade I in   writing the examination.  The acceptable grades, Grades I–III,
            2020 when compared to 13 per cent in 2019 and 16 per cent   obtained by candidates were 85% in 2018 and 87% in 2019
            in 2018.                                            and 2020.

            GEOGRAPHY                                           Option B (Mechanical)
            The number of candidates registered to sit the 2020   In 2020, 2194 candidates took the Option B examination.
            Geography examination moved from 21 197 in 2019 to 11,711; a   This was an increase from 2019 which had 1951 candidates
            decline of about three per cent.                    writing the examination.  The acceptable grades, Grades I–III,
                                                                obtained by candidates were 83% in 2018, 86% in 2019 and
                                                                87% in 2020.

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