Page 32 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 32


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )

            BIOLOGY                                             Candidates’  performance  varied  across  the  modules.  There
            Approximately 88.64 percent of candidates obtained Grades   was an increase in the number of candidates performing at
            A-C on Paper 1 in 2020, compared to 84.73 percent in 2019   Grades A-C on Profile 1 - Knowledge and Comprehension, and
            and 83.75 percent in 2018. For Paper 030 (SBA), 87.64 percent   a decline on Profile 2 - Use of Knowledge, Communication and
            of candidates obtained Grades A-C in 2020, compared to   Enquiry.  The proportion of candidates achieving Grades A-C
            84.96 percent in 2019 and 84.54 percent in 2018 and for Paper   on Profile 1 increased from 55 in 2019 to 74 per cent in 2020.
            032, 13.81 percent of candidates obtained Grades A-C in 2020,   On Profile 2, the figure declined from 65 per cent in 2019 to
            compared to 10.14 percent in 2019 and 4.36 percent in 2018.   54 in 2020.

            For Profile 1 (KC), 76.11 percent of candidates obtained Grades   CHEMISTRY
            A-C compared to 72.93 percent in 2019 and 72.26 percent in   There has been an increase in the overall performance of
            2018. There was an increase in performance for this profile   candidates in the 2020 examination, with 73.43 per cent
            when compared to 2019 and 2018. For Profile 2 (UK), 67.09   of candidates achieving acceptable grades, Grades I–III
            percent of candidates obtained Grade A-C compared to 46.89   compared with 67.96 per cent in 2019.
            percent in 2019 and 52.38 percent in 2018. There was an
            increase in this profile when compared to 2019 and 2018. For   There was an increase at the Grade I band performance; with
            Profile 3, 69.84 percent of candidates obtained Grades A-C   22.29 per cent of the candidates earning Grade I compared to
            compared to 95.80 percent in 2019 and 95.89 percent in 2018.  21.20 per cent of the candidates in 2019.

            The mean score (42.57) for Paper 1 in 2020 compared to the   ECONOMICS
            mean score in 2019 and 30.62 in 2018.               In  2020  was the  second  sitting  for  the  new  syllabus  in
                                                                Economics. Approximately 71.68 per cent of candidates earned
            CARIBBEAN HISTORY                                   acceptable Grades I–III. This is consistent with both 2018 and
            The number of candidates registered for the 2020 sitting of the   2019 where 71.54 per cent and 69.90 per cent of candidates
            Caribbean History examinations continued to show a decline.   respectively earned acceptable Grades I–III.
            Eight  thousand,  nine hundred  and  eighteen  candidates
            registered to sit the examination in 2020 compared to 9 135   There was an improvement in the mean percentage for Paper
            in 2019 and 9 673 in 2018. This represents a seven per cent   01 of approximately 11 per cent over the 2019 performance from
            decline over 2018.                                  64.04 to 75.15 per cent. There was a 6 per cent decline in the
                                                                mean performance of Paper 031 (SBA) when compared with
            There was an increase in the number of candidates performing   2019, from 86.33 to 81.09 per cent. However, the performance
            at the Grades I–III levels, in 2020, when compared with 2019.   was consistent with that of 2018.
            For 2020, 71 percent of the candidates achieved Grades I–III
            in 2020 compared with 64 per cent in 2019. The figure was
            consistent with that for 2018.

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