Page 5 - A Memorable Beach Birthday Celebration
P. 5

A Memorable Beach Birthday Celebration
           Again, my curiosity caused me to swiftly prance

          around,  holding  my  breath,  as  we  were  greeted
          by several huge purple and pink smiling balloons.

          They floated graciously in the gentle wind. Silver

          streamers formed the base of each balloon while

          the  waves  beat  gently  at  the  shoreline.    In  the

          distance, stood a giant-sized pink cup with a long

          straw  sticking  out;  guarding  a  row  of
          eye—catching  purple  and  pink  flowers,  which

          stretched  across  the  sand  like  marching  ants.

          What a picturesque  view?  “This was no  ordinary

          birthday party,” I gasped!

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