Page 9 - Jumbie Berry
P. 9

Jumbie Berry

         condition  which  seemed  to  have  appeared  out  of

         thin air.  Her sister, eyes teary, admitted to having

         paid her sister $5 to eat a mysterious berry.

         “Can  you  describe  the  berry  that  she  ate?”  asked
         the nurse.

         “It was red with a tiny black dot in the middle of it.

         It kind of looked like a red eye,” Candice answered

         hysterically, adding a slew of apologies to the end

         of her explanation.

         The nurse left the room,  promising to return with

         an answer to the cause of this mysterious illness.

         After  a  while,  the  nurse  returned  and  informed

         them that Amanda had eaten the Jumbie Eye bean
         and that she could be in serious danger.

         They were quickly rushed out of the room and sat

         all evening watching patients, doctors, and nurses

         flow in and out of the hospital.

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