Page 104 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 104

-13-                                       02165020/CAPE/KMS 2015 SPEC

              UNIT 1 - PAPER 02
             KEY AND MARK SCHEME

Question 6.

S.O          Suggested Response                                           Mark         Marks
                                                                     Allocation  KC AK PS

1:3:6 (a) 1. The substitution of metal working                       3           6
                               fluids (MWFs) components with         3
                               alternatives that are more
                               inherently benign than traditional
                               MWF ingredients. Principle 1 relates
                               to this innovation since the product
                               designers need to ensure that
                               material and energy inputs and
                               outputs are inherently non-
                               hazardous as possible.

                        2. The newly formulated MWFs prevent
                               environmental impacts since it can
                               be reused again and not disposed.
                               This illustrates Principle 2 which
                               places emphasis on the prevention of
                               waste rather than treatment or
                               cleaning of such.

                        3. The new MWF formulations are based
                               on oil and non-ionic surfactants
                               that can be produced from renewable,
                               bio-based resources. This
                               demonstrates Principle 12 because
                               the designs should be based on
                               renewable and readily available
                               inputs throughout the life cycle.

                        4. The new MWF formulations can allow
                               oil separation by the addition of a
                               simple salt. Principle 3 makes
                               mention that separation and
                               purification operations should be a
                               component of the design framework.

                        5. The new MWFs can allow oil recovery
                               and reuse (Principle 6 and 10).

                        (2 marks for stating correctly)
                        (4 marks for explaining)
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109