Page 100 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 100

-9-            02165020/CAPE/KMS 2015 SPEC

                          GREEN ENGINEERING
                          UNIT 1 - PAPER 02
                         KEY AND MARK SCHEME

Question 4. (continued)

S.O Suggested Response                                     Mark         Marks
                                                      Allocation  KC AK PS

(b) (ii) Efficient energy use means:                  1
                     Energy should be used

                     Renewable sources of energy
                         should be used when it is a
                         sustainable option.

(c) Energy is usually one of the first areas 2 with a             4

which provide opportunities for                       valid

improving the process during the design               example

stage since most processes are energy


The other major opportunity for design                2 with a
modification is in the use of material                  valid
input. By studying the final purpose of
the product it is possible to modify the              example
design to use the most appropriate

                                                      TOTAL 20 MARKS 20 0 0
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105