Page 95 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 95

-4-                               02165020/CAPE/KMS 2015 SPEC

              UNIT 1 - PAPER 02
             KEY AND MARK SCHEME

Question 2.

S.O          Suggested Response                                   Mark         Marks
                                                             Allocation  KC AK PS

1:1:11  (a) LCA is a tool used to determine the raw          22
                 materials, energy use, wastes, and
                 emissions associated with the product's
                 life cycle.

1:1:11  (b)  To minimize the magnitude of                   2 marks     4
                      pollution.                             each for

                  To identify processes, ingredients,         any 2
                      and systems that are major.
                      contributors to environmental impacts

                  To compare different options within a
                      particular process with the objective
                      of minimizing environmental impacts.

                  To provide guidance in long-term
                      strategic planning concerning trends
                      in product design and materials.

                  To optimize recycling of materials and

                  To apply the most appropriate
                      pollution prevention and/or abatement

1:1:11  (c)  Life cycle inventory (1): Determine            8           26
                      the emissions that occur and the raw
                      materials and energy that are used
                      during the life-cycle of a product.

                  Life cycle impact assessment: Assess
                      what the impacts of these emissions
                      and raw material depletions are.

                  Improvement analysis or
                      interpretation: Interpret the results
                      of the impact assessment in order to
                      suggest improvements. When LCA is
                      conducted to compare products this
                      step may consist of recommending the
                      most environmentally desirable
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100