Page 125 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 125


16. You are asked to design a mobile robot             Items 19–21 refer to the following scenario.
        for the fire department capable of
        automatically identifying a fire and           Mr Brown is an elderly carpenter who was
        extinguishing the flames. Which of the         recently diagnosed with a back problem. In his
        following core sensors should the robot        small workshop he works around a 4 ft table
        have?                                          where he cuts the wood, and a 2 ft table where he
                                                       carves his design in the board. Mr Brown would
          I. Temperature sensor                        like a chair designed to prevent him from
         II. Motion sensor                             standing for long periods around the 4 ft table and
        III. Obstacle sensor                           reduce the need to bend over the 2 ft table.

        (A) I and II only                               19. What are the three core principles of
        (B) II and III only                                     product design that should be considered
        (C) I and III only                                      when designing this chair?
        (D) I, II and III
                                                                (A) Flexibility in use, size and space
17. Which of the following water treatment                                utilisation, simple and intuitive
        processes is the MOST energy intensive?
                                                                (B) Equitable in use, flexible in use,
        (A) Distillation                                                  low physical effort
        (B) Reverse osmosis
        (C) Filtration                                          (C) Simple and intuitive, equitable
        (D) Desalination                                                  in use, flexible in use

                                                                (D) Tolerance for error, low
                                                                          physical effort, simple and

18. Which of the following is the correct              20. What is the most critical feature the chair
                                                               should possess to meet the needs of Mr
        sequence of events in the product design               Brown when he is working around the
                                                               two tables?
                                                               (A) Adjustable height
        (A) Idea – Simulation – Prototype –                    (B) Back support
                  Manufacturing – Testing –                    (C) Head rest
                  Commissioning –                              (D) Arm support

                  Commercialization                    21. Which of the following materials would
        (B) Idea – Simulation – Prototype –                    be MOST appropriate for use in
                                                               designing the chair for Mr Brown?
                  Testing – Manufacturing –
                  Commercialization –                          (A) Plastic
                                                               (B) Wood
                  Commissioning                                (C) Metal
        (C) Idea-Prototype – Simulation –                      (D) Aluminium

                  Testing – Manufacturing –
                  Commercialization –

        (D) Idea – Simulation – Prototype –

                  Testing – Manufacturing –
                  Commissioning –


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