Page 159 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 159

-12-                       02265020/CAPE/KMS 2015 SPEC

                          GREEN ENGINEERING
                          UNIT 2 - PAPER 02
                         KEY AND MARK SCHEME

Question 5. (continued)

S.O Suggested Response                                                Mark         Marks
                                                                 Allocation  KC AK PA

(a) (iv)                                                         44

Explanation of measures to reduce energy
consumption during production of PCC should
  Use recycled aggregates
  Use cement replacement
  Mix concrete at the construction site

(a) (v)                                                          44

           Suspended reinforced concrete beam

 Labelled sketch of the suspended beam. (2

 Reinforcement placed in the lower part of
   the beam as shown in the diagram. (2 marks)

(b)                                                              3           3

Methods that can be used to reduce the
embodied energy during the manufacture of
Portland cement are:

 Use renewable energy
 Use cement replacement materials to

   manufacture the cement
 Use locally available materials to produce

 Use liquefied natural gas instead of diesel

                                    (1 mark each for any THREE)

                                              TOTAL 20 MARKS 10 10 0
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164