Page 154 - CAPE Green Engineering Syllabus 2016.docx_Neat
P. 154

-7-                   02265020/CAPE/KMS 2015 SPEC

                          GREEN ENGINEERING
                          UNIT 2 - PAPER 02
                         KEY AND MARK SCHEME

Question 3. (continued)

S.O                      Suggested Response                       Mark         Marks
                                                             Allocation  KC AK PA

2:2:8 (c)(i)                                                 2           2
                                                             2           2
             Animals utilize what is called echolocation or  6
             bio sonar. This is the biological sonar used                         6
             by several kinds of animals. Echolocating
             animals emit calls to the environment and
             listen to the echoes of those calls that
             return from various objects near them. They
             use these echoes to locate and identify the

2:2:5 (c)(ii)

             Concept development – The idea is to model
             echolocation used by animals to locate an
             object in the sea.

             Product simulation – Utilize computer software
             (E.g. MATLAB) to observe how sound waves

2:2:6 (c)(iii)

             Experiment to understand basic relationship
             between time and possible distance of the lost
             Create a simple electrical prototype using a
             computer speaker and built-in microphone. Take
             computer to a large empty space such as an
             auditorium along with a stop watch. Open sound
             wave software on computer. Standing 100m from
             auditorium wall, play a loud sound on computer
             and look for a change in sound wave when echo
             is detected. Start stopwatch when audio sound
             (preferably a bang like sound) is played by
             computer and stop stopwatch when echo is
             detected by sound wave software. Repeat
             experiment at 150 m, 200 m and 250 m from wall
             and record the respective times.

             If a computer is inaccessible you can clap and
             listen for echo.
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