Page 6 - 7 - DaDa Culzac
P. 6

Dada Culzac

          DaDa  loved  to  go  to  Mass.  He  was  a  strict

          Catholic.  He  made  sure  that  his  children  and

          grandchildren  went  to  church  every  week.  Dada

          remembered  when  the  first  Catholic  school  in

          St  Vincent  was  built  in  the  early  1900s.  He  was
          one of the first children to attend the school.

          My  Great  Granddad  loved  sugar  and  anything
          that was too sweet.  He liked to drink tea in his

          favourite  orange  cup,  but  he  would  not  drink  it

          until  it  had  four  tablespoons  of  sugar  in  it.

          My mother said that once when she was a child,

          DaDa  asked  her  to  make  him  a  cup  of  tea.
          She  used  his  favourite  orange  cup  and  put  in

          three   tablespoons of sugar.  When he tasted it,

          he said, “this ain’t got no sugar, go add another

          spoon to it!”

          It  was  so  funny  to  hear  that  my  DaDa  got

          diabetes  when  he  was  ninety-eight  years  old
          because  the  disease  is  usually  detected  much

          earlier.  His  doctor  told  him  he  had  to  stop

          drinking sugar.

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