Page 28 - Trends - Labour + Ind Relations 2017 - Vol 3
P. 28


          TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2              CORAM             DATE OF
          TD 6/14    National Union of     The Trinidad     HH Mrs. H. Seale         18.03.16
                     Government and       Entertainment     HH Dr. S. Samaroo
                    Federated Workers    Restuarants and    HH Mr. M. Mitchell
                                        Promotions Limited

          TD 8/13    Communication      Trinpak Packaging   HH Mrs. H. Seale         18.03.16
                      Workers' Union     Company Limited    HH Ms. B. Mahabir         ORAL
                                                            HH Mr. M. Mitchell      JUDGEMENT
         TD 314/14   Communication         Trader Jack’s    HH Mr. M. Daniel         21.03.16
                      Workers’ Union    Restaurant Holdings   HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                                             Limited        HH Mr. M. Maharaj

         TD 132/14   Oilfields Workers'   Home Construction   HH Mrs. H. Seale       21.03.16
                       Trade Union           Limited        HH Mr. A. Aberdeen        ORAL
                                                            HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed   JUDGEMENT

          TD 16/08  Banking, Insurance    Laughlin & De     HH Mrs. H. Seale         23.03.16
                       and General        Gannes Limited    HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                      Workers’ Union                        HH Mrs. K. George-
          ICA 1/11  Banking, Insurance   Republic Bank Limited  HH Mr. H. Soverall   23.03.16
                       and General                          HH Mr. A. Aberdeen
                      Workers’ Union                        HH Ms. B. Mahabir

         TD 153/04   All Trinidad Sugar   Caroni (1975) Limited  HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  23.03.16
                       and General                          HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                   Workers’ Trade Union                     HH Dr. S. Samaroo

          ESD TD     Communication      Telecommunication   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial    23.03.16
          54, 59-61   Workers’ Union    Services of Trinidad   HH Mr. L. Achong
          & 67/09                       and Tobago Limited  HH Mr. G. Rousseau

         TD 657/12   Communication         1  Party No. 2   HH Mrs. H. Seale         24.03.16
                      Workers’ Union       National Gas     HH Mr. A. Aberdeen
                                       Company of Trinidad   HH Mr. K. Jack
                                           and Tobago
                                          2  Party No. 2
                                         National Energy
                                          Corporation of
                                       Trinidad and Tobago
          ST 13/12     Estate Police   G4s Security Services   HH Mr. L. Achong      24.03.16
                      Association of         Limited        HH Mrs. J. Rajkumar-
                   Trinidad and Tobago                        Gualbance
                                                            HH Mr. K. Narinesingh

          ESD TD         Union of       Telecommunication   HH Mr. L. Achong         24.03.16
           3/06      Commercial and     Services of Trinidad   HH Mr. K. Narinesingh
                     Industrial Workers  and Tobago Limited

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