Page 32 - Trends - Labour + Ind Relations 2017 - Vol 3
P. 32


          TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2              CORAM             DATE OF
           OSHA    Occupational Safety    Samba Brewing     HH Mrs. H. Seale         02.06.16
           20/15   and Health Authority   Company and Winery   HH Mr. K. Jack         ORAL
                       and Agency            Limited        HH Mrs. K. George-      JUDGEMENT

            TD       Central Trinidad   All Trinidad General   HH Mrs. H. Seale      03.06.16
          75/12(S)     Steel Limited   Workers' Trade Union  HH Mr. P. Rabathaly      ORAL
                                                            HH Mr. N. A. Mohammed   JUDGEMENT

         TD 519/13  All Trinidad General   Thor Security Services   HH Mr. M. Daniel  06.06.16
           441/14  Workers' Trade Union      Limited        HH Ms. B. Mahabir         ORAL
                      Transport and                         HH Mr. R. Linton        JUDGEMENT
         TD 102/15   Industrial Workers'   Construtora OAS   HH Mr. M. Daniel        08.06.16
                          Union              Limited        HH Mr. A. Aberdeen        ORAL
                                                            HH Dr. S. Samaroo       JUDGEMENT

            ICA       Svitzer Marine     Oilfields Workers’   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas    09.06.16
          1/15(S)  Trinidad and Tobago     Trade Union      HH Dr. S. Samaroo
                         Limited                            HH Mr. M. Mitchell

         TD 218/10   National Worker’s   The Ministry of Health  HH Mrs. S. Ramparas   10.06.16
                          Union                             HH Mr. G. Rousseau
                                                            HH Mr. R. Linton

         RSBD 9/13   Oilfields Workers'   Amerijet Caribbean   HH Mr. R. Lutchmedial  10.06.16
                       Trade Union        Express Limited   HH Ms. B. Mahabir
                                                            HH Mrs. K. George-
          ESD TD    Banking, Insurance   Caribbean Airlines   HH Mr. L. Achong       13.06.16
           30/12       and General           Limited        HH Mr. K. Jack            ORAL
                      Workers' Union                                                JUDGEMENT

          TD 56/14  Banking, Insurance   Cipriani College of   HH Mr. M. Daniel      14.06.16
                       and General         Labour and       HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
                      Workers' Union   Co-Operative Studies  HH Mr. M. Maharaj

          TD 47/15   Communication        Sunny Group of    HH Mrs. K. George-       14.06.16
                      Workers' Union    Companies (trading    Marcelle                ORAL
                                        as Ma Pau Members   HH Dr. S. Samaroo       JUDGEMENT
                                              Club)         HH Mrs. J. Christopher-

            TD       National Truckers,   SM Jaleel & Company   HH Mrs. S. Ramparas  14.06.16
          50/12(S)    Operators and          Limited        HH Mr. B. Dabideen        ORAL
                     General Workers'                       HH Mr. R. Linton        JUDGEMENT
                       Trade Union

          TD 61/12    Public Services     The University of   HH Mrs. H. Seale       16.06.16
                      Association of   Trinidad and Tobago  HH Mr. K. Jack            ORAL
                   Trinidad and Tobago                                              JUDGEMENT

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