Page 31 - Trends - Labour + Ind Relations 2017 - Vol 3
P. 31

APPENDIX               1

          TD NO.      PARTY NO. 1         PARTY NO. 2              CORAM             DATE OF
         TD 123/11   Oilfields Workers'   H. Lewis Construction   HH Mr. G. Rousseau  11.05.16
                       Trade Union           Limited        HH Mrs. S. Ramparas
                                                            HH Mr. N. Khan
          ESD TD      North Central       Managers and      HH Mr. L. Achong         11.05.16
           80/14     Regional Health        Supervisors     HH Mr. D. Rambally        ORAL
                        Authority      Association of Trinidad  HH Mr. K. Jack      JUDGEMENT
                                           and Tobago

          ESD TD      North Central       Managers and      HH Mr. L. Achong         11.05.16
          77-79/14   Regional Health        Supervisors     HH Mr. D. Rambally        ORAL
                        Authority      Association of Trinidad  HH Mr. K. Jack      JUDGEMENT
                                           and Tobago

         TD 277/13   National Union of   Maharaj Westside   HH Mr. M. Daniel         12.05.16
                   Domestic Employees        Limited        HH Mr. K. Jack
                                                            HH Dr. S. Samaroo

          TD 305,   Banking, Insurance   Eastern Credit Union   HH Mr. H. Soverall   12.05.16
           306 &       and General     Co-operative Society   HH Mr. P. Rabathaly
          310/10      Workers' Union         Limited        HH Mr. N. Khan
          IRO 1/15   Oilfields Workers'     Caribbean       HH Mr. H. Soverall       12.05.16
                       Trade Union     Packaging Industries   HH Mr. K. Jack          ORAL
                                             Limited        HH Mr. R. Linton        JUDGEMENT
         TD 601/14   National Union of   Deuces Management  HH Mr. M. Daniel         13.05.16
                     Government and      Company Limited    HH Mr. R. Linton          ORAL
                    Federated Workers                       HH Mrs. J. Christopher-   JUDGEMENT

         TD 441/13   National Union of   Government Industrial  HH Mr. M. Daniel     19.05.16
                     Government and    and General Workers   HH Mr. G. Rousseau       ORAL
                    Federated Workers         Union         HH Mrs. J. Christopher-   JUDGEMENT
           OSHA    Occupational Safety     1  Party No. 2   HH Mrs. H. Seale         20.05.16
           4/12    and Health Authority  Jagmohan Enterprises  HH Mr. K. Jack
                       and Agency          Limited (JEL)    HH Mr. M. Mitchell
                                           2  Party No. 2
                                       Petroleum Company
                                          of Trinidad and
                                          Tobago Limited
         TD 134/11   Oilfields Workers'     Pricesmart      HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      29.07.16
                       Trade Union         Membership       HH Mr. P. Rabathaly       ORAL
                                            Shopping        HH Mr. N. Khan          JUDGEMENT

          TD 31/15   Oilfields Workers'   Kalco Company     HH Mrs. S. Ramparas      01.06.16
                       Trade Union           Limited        HH Ms. B. Mahabir         ORAL
                                                            HH Mr. R. Linton        JUDGEMENT

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