Page 138 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 138

ROUTE 2: JAUE—BO REID AH                                     71

   total, stages.
                    Dir. a Little S. of E. along Labbah hollow.
                      ■ 12 m. Dir. changes to SE. and Labbah quitted.
                               Across Nefud.
                        6 m. Dikakah, rolling downs.
                       12 m. Khubb Khaweir crossed, and Nefud entered.
                      14 m. Nefud quitted; route now over rolling
                               downs for many miles.
                      15 m. Khubb Sahab crossed. Nefud again en­
                      11m. Nefud quitted. Route then descends 4 in­
                               to N. side of Khubb Hayyaniyah.

    199 74 Qasr Hayyaniyah, fort in the Khubb ; stone-built in lower
                         courses, mud walls above ; towers at opposite
                         ends of a diagonal. According to Nolde, an
                         isolated tower, connected with the fort by an
                         underground- passage, exposes to cross-fire the
                         wells which lie between. Shakespear mentions
                         only one well, and says nothing of the outer
                         tower ; he states that the place is guarded by
                         half a dozen of the Emir of Ha’il’s men, who are
                         changed once a year. The wells are walled with
                         masonry and very deep (140-170 metres ; Nolde) :
                         water good and abundant.
                      [At Hayyaniyah a route runs almost S. to Ha’il;
                         see Route No. 4, p. 81.]
                   Dir. SE.
                      10 m. Khubb Hayyaniyah quitted. Over sandy
                         ground, across plain named Ajbilah and again
                         over sand.
                      12 m. Khubb Seilah.
                      [Just before reaching Khubb Seilah the track is
                         crossed by Route No. 5, Nejef-Hazil-Ha’il.]
                   Dir. changes to S. by E.

                      [Shakespear records 2 wells within the next 6 miles
                         and another 20 m. on, but, as in another place he
                         states that there is no water between Hayya­
                         niyah and Bir Zerud, these wells are perhaps
                      161 m. From this point Trobah (Trubah) wells (see
                               Route No. 3, p. 78) lie 10 m. ENE.
                       4 m. Dir. now SE.
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