Page 138 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 138
total, stages.
Dir. a Little S. of E. along Labbah hollow.
■ 12 m. Dir. changes to SE. and Labbah quitted.
Across Nefud.
6 m. Dikakah, rolling downs.
12 m. Khubb Khaweir crossed, and Nefud entered.
14 m. Nefud quitted; route now over rolling
downs for many miles.
15 m. Khubb Sahab crossed. Nefud again en
11m. Nefud quitted. Route then descends 4 in
to N. side of Khubb Hayyaniyah.
199 74 Qasr Hayyaniyah, fort in the Khubb ; stone-built in lower
courses, mud walls above ; towers at opposite
ends of a diagonal. According to Nolde, an
isolated tower, connected with the fort by an
underground- passage, exposes to cross-fire the
wells which lie between. Shakespear mentions
only one well, and says nothing of the outer
tower ; he states that the place is guarded by
half a dozen of the Emir of Ha’il’s men, who are
changed once a year. The wells are walled with
masonry and very deep (140-170 metres ; Nolde) :
water good and abundant.
[At Hayyaniyah a route runs almost S. to Ha’il;
see Route No. 4, p. 81.]
Dir. SE.
10 m. Khubb Hayyaniyah quitted. Over sandy
ground, across plain named Ajbilah and again
over sand.
12 m. Khubb Seilah.
[Just before reaching Khubb Seilah the track is
crossed by Route No. 5, Nejef-Hazil-Ha’il.]
Dir. changes to S. by E.
[Shakespear records 2 wells within the next 6 miles
and another 20 m. on, but, as in another place he
states that there is no water between Hayya
niyah and Bir Zerud, these wells are perhaps
161 m. From this point Trobah (Trubah) wells (see
Route No. 3, p. 78) lie 10 m. ENE.
4 m. Dir. now SE.