Page 190 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 190
total, stages.
Beyond this begins the zone of Dahanah con-
■ sisting of 4 marked sand-belts running NW.
to SE. with intervening depressions with clay-
covered rocky floors. The belts are as follows:
(1) Ablt; (2) Jiham, about 3 m. wide, with
6 rows of dunes, the succeeding depression
5 m. wide; (3) a higher belt containing lofty
dunes, sometimes rising to 250 ft. above the
depressions and succeeded by a hollow 3 m.
across; (4) a lower belt with dunes of diminish
ing height, and more vegetation.
15 m. End of Dahanah.
Dir. SSW., over undulating country with scrub, and
out-cropping sandstone.
8 m. Hollow with luxuriant vegetation; ground
rises towards extreme northern and north
western spurs of Jebel Toweiq. More rugged
country with isolated rocks ; then over hilly
258 119 Artawlyah, wells in an extensive hollow with mounds
about them ; that measured by Raunkiaer was
;; *
about 20 ft. deep. Water is nearly always
plentiful. (Safah-Axtawlyah=44 hrs.)
Dir. SW., ascending from valley; over rugged desert,
succeeded by less barren country with larger
15 m. Large hollow with good grass. [Here track
runs S. into Sedeir.]
Dir. WSW., over a plain of clay with scrub on the
higher parts, and traces of water after rain in the
lower. Then low dunes, a scrub-covered hollow,
and more dunes.
6 m. Sebillah, a broad depression where water
collects after rain.
12 m. A bare stony plateau, running almost N. and
S., across which track continues.
6 m. An abrupt descent of about 300 ft. into the
inn An rrr~r valley in which, at 3 m. distance, is Zilfi.
4_ ZILFI, town; see I, p. 368 f. [Zilfi was reached by
Raunkiaer in 56 hrs. 36 mins, from Safah, and
107 hrs. from Kow'eit.]