Page 192 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 192

98                           EASTERN ROUTES (

                                               ROUTE 11

                          ‘OQAIR (AND QATIF)— HOFUE—RIYADH

              Authorities-. Raunkiaer, 1912, Leachman, 1912, compared with Sadlier, 1819,
                   Palgrave, 1863, Pelly, 1865, Douglas, 1897, and Burchardt, 1904 ; also with
                   native information obtained through Prideaux, Gaskin, and others.
              General Direction: W. by S., except in the section Qatif-Hofuf, when it is almost S.
              Distance. From ‘Oqair, crow-fly, 235 miles ; road, 249 miles. From Qatlf, crow-
                   fly, 244 miles ; road, 305 miles.
              Character and Supplies : see p. 32 f.
              total, stages.
                            ‘OQAIR, port'; see I, p. 308.
                               Dir. SW. by S. across loose sand of the coastal district
                                    Barr el-Oqair into Biyadh.
                                   8 m. Suwwad, well with sweet water.
                                   2 m. Umm edh-Dharr, near group of mounds
                                          forming a well-known landmark.
                                   1 m. Biseitin; water by digging; some grazing.
                                   [There is an alternative route from Biseitin to
                                    Jishshah ; see below.]
                14  14 Bareiman, wells with brackish water ; grass and camel
                                    grazing ; ruins of old fort.
                               Dir. SW. by S. over loose sand.
                                   3 m. Zaghaimah ; well.
                28  14 Shatar, 3 wells of brackish water ; no grazing nor fuel.
                                  [Here the route from Dohah to Hofuf (see Route
                                    No. 75, p. 342 f.) comes in.]
                               Dir. W. across nitrous depression (sabkhah), through
                                    sandhills for 6 m., and for 2 m. over stony plain.
                40  12 Jishshah, large village of 400 houses ; good water, grass,                        !
                                    and fuel obtainable ; inhabitants cultivate dates
                                    and own camels. [An alternative route from
                                    Dohah to Hofuf (see Route No. 75, p. 342 f.) comes
                                    in here.]

                                  [Here the following alternative, route from Biseitin
                                     (see above) comes in :
                                          11m. Muweih, camping-ground and wells.
                                          91 m. Khuweinij, good water at 15 ft. from
                                                   well on E. side of ruined fort.
                                          13 m. Jishshah. Total distance, 24 miles.]
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