Page 296 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 296
total, stages.
IS m. Sirrah, at the foot of Jebel Sirrah W. of
route ; wells of sweet water.
Dir. N. by E. for about S miles ; then, bearing N.,
the route leads for about IS miles over a stony
track cut up by dry water-courses.
2(3 m. Arkdn, camping-ground with water, at foot
of Jebel Arkdn.
9 m. The town of Qafar (see above, Route No. 20,
p. 144) lies about 4 miles to W. of route ;
' • • •*. from this point track passes along water
courses and among hills.
270 07 HA’IL, town; see I, pp. 384ff.
The following is an Alternative Route (Doughty), from Kheibar to
Ha’il :
total, stages.
KHEIBAR, town (alt. 2,S00 ft.); see I, p. 119 f.
Dir. NE. by E. up the fenny bottom of the Kheibar
valley, to the harrah, keeping N. of Jebel
‘Aiwa ; the track goes over the volcanic plain,
constantly ascending for the first 50 miles, and
keeping near the north-western edge of the
Kheibar Harrat ; going very hard and difficult.
54 54 Shotb (alt. 5,42S ft.), a deep cleft in the harrah, into
which the track descends ‘ by shelves and ledges ’;
gum and acacia trees in the ‘ bottom ’ ; thence
the route descends very gradually as far as
Biddiyali, which appears to be the lowest point
between the harrah and Ha’il.
8 m. Jebel Etlmdn (Thinan), a peak N. of the
•y\ track, on the Etlmdn Harrah.
•••••*•. * 18 m. Hilydn, a district of black crater-hills and
crests, which the track crosses.
Dir. NE., over country which is described as ‘like
a rolling tide of basalt ’.
30 m. (about), the main north-eastern edge of the
harrah is reached, but it continues inter
mittently for some few miles beyond.
120 GO Ibba Suleiman, watoring-place ; thence the route passes
over a gritty granitic plain. An altitude of
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