Page 298 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 298

( (
                       152                         WESTERN ROUTES

                       total, stages.
                                              6,000 ft: is reached in this section, and is men­
                                              tioned by Doughty as ‘ the greatest height he had
                                               passed hitherto in Arabia ’.
                         138 IS Beidha Nethll, watering-place.
                                            [For the section from Beidha Nethll to Ha’il,
                                              80 miles, sec Route No. 20, p. 146 f.]
                         218 SO HA’IL, town; see I, pp. 384 ff.
                                            [Doughty, on another journey, followed a track
  * *•*<                                      from Hilyan to Qasr el-‘Ashruwat (18 m. from
                                              Ha’il ; see above, Route No. 21, p. 151) some­
                                               what south-east of the above, the stages being
                                              as follows: 21 m., Jebel Habrdn, a peak in the
                                               northern end of the Ivheibar Harrah ; 5 m., Bcidi,
                                               a summer station of the Siba‘, with two ancient
                                               well-pits ; 7 m., Jebel Bo thru (Bushra), thence
                                               across a district called the Sha'bah (a plain
                                               of gritty sand with pasturage of short coarse
                                               grass) ; 60 m., Jussa, a hamlet of six households,
                                               to which the tribes come for 3 months of the year
                                               to raise crops and then return ; 10 m., Aqillah,
                                               another outlying corn-settlement; 24 m., Qasr

                                                         ROUTE 22


           fe.                   Authority: Doughty, 1S77-S; and Persian Gulf Gazetteer, 1908.
                                 Direction : NE. by E.
                                 Distances: Crowfiy, 243 miles ; road, 275 miles.
                                 Character and Supplies : see pp. 45 tf.

                        total, stages.
                                      MEDINA, town ; see I, p. 116 f.
                                         Dir. E., across a barren, undulating, stony plain.
                                            44 m. Abu Rasheid, settlement with a large mosque;
                                                     irrigation by water channels ; thence over
                                                     level desert.

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