Page 302 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 302


                                                                                    ' (
                          154                         WESTERN ROUTES

                          total, stages.
                                           Dir. NE. by E., skirting the northern face of a rangc-
                                                 of reddish hills, and leading over level hard sand,
                                                 scattered with pebbles, and intersected by occa­
                                                 sional wadi-depressions.
                            175  25 Sileimi (Suleimi), altitude 4,053 ft. ; a desert village
                                                among a few palm-trees ; camping-ground under
                                                 Jaul Sileimi.
                                           Dir. ENE., over an undulating plain of pebbles, stones,
                                                 and hard sand.
  ■ •••<*.
                                              14 m. Enter narrow valley with water-course,
                                                      which track follows, crossing the water­
                                                      course occasionally.
                           208  33 Mustajiddah, village ; see above, p. 150.
                                                 [For the section from Mustajiddah to Ha’il (67 m.),
                                                 see Route No. 21, p. 150 f.]
                           275  67 HA’IL, town ; see I, pp. 384 ff.

                                                           ROUTE 23


                          Authorities : For the section to Hathah, see Route No. 29. To Mustajiddah, the
                               Persian Gulf Gazetteer, 1908, in which section the details of distance and
                               direction must be accepted with great reserve. From Mustajiddah to Ha’il,
                               Huber, 1877-9.
                          General Direction : NNE.
                          Distance : Crowfly, 435 miles ; road, 479 miles.
                          Character and Supplies : see pp. 45 ff.
                          total, stages.
                                        MECCA, town ; see I, pp. 123 ff.
                                           Dir. NE. by N.
                                              [For alternative descriptions of the section of the
                                                 route from Mecca to Hathah, see Route No. 29
                                                 pp. 173ff.; that of the Egyptian W. O. Itinerary
                                                 (145 m.) is here adopted.]
                            145 145 Htithuh (Hadda), wells in a valley, with sweet water at
                                                 about 48 ft. ; corn-fields and some date-planta
                                                 tions ; a few ruined (ja.'srs in neighbourhood.

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