Page 300 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 300
total, stages.
3 m. Enter narrow valley with sandy bed ; acacia
trees here and there.
Dir. NNE.
32 32 Sabi yah, camping-ground at the mouth of the valley ;
one small well, with sweet water at 30 ft. ; thence
across an undulating, stony plain.
Dir. NNE.
5 m. Route descends for about two miles and then
traverses a clayey plain.
101 m. Beginning of a three-mile ascent, by a very
narrow path, which leads to a dusty plain.
53 21 Shaqmh, a number of small wells (with fresh water at
12 ft.) in argillaceous soil ; they are surrounded
by acacia and other trees. Over a stony plain.
Dir. NNE.
3 m. Ascend a scarp to another stony plain.
4 m. Enter a saline desert with occasional stony
69 1C Nakheil, small village among some date-palms ; a num
ber of wells with sweet water at IS ft.
Dir. NNE., for a short distance ; then NE. along a
narrow valley intermittently sandy and stony.
At about micl-way on this stage, Henaklyah (see
Route No. 24) lies from 7 to 8 m. away on the
98 29 Halq er-BV, camping-ground at the end of the valley ;
thence the route crosses an undulating, sandy
and stony plain. (The Indian Government Map
appears to indicate that the south-eastern portion
of the Kheibar Harrah is entered at about this
place and that the route traverses it almost to
10 m. Karayiyah, situated among hills ; wells of
sweet water at 18 ft. ; thence through coun
try similar to that traversed in the preceding
130 32 S-ufeit. Route leads over a plain, partly saline and
parti}' strewn with black stones; occasional
ridges are crossed.
150 20 Haleifah, small village ; good water from wells in the
clay, at 24 ft.
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