Page 446 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 446

                226                    SOUTH-WESTERN ROUTES

                total, stages.
                                      2 m. Ain, the first village of !             am
                                             el-Hul.                                       * 1
                                                Two miles farther       on Jab rat Anjud, the
                                             last Alqam el-Hul village, is passed and the
                                             country of the Beni Rizam section of the
                                             Beni Malik is reached. The country is
                                             fertile and well watered, and supplies ibha
                                             with fruit.
                                      7 m. Jebel Shay is reached.          The mam road con­
                                             tinues along the plateau. The road under
                                             consideration turns off sharply WNW., and
                                             plunging down the steep declivity of ‘Aqabah
                                             Sha'r, after 3 miles reaches Sai, which is
                                             the usual resting-place before beginning the
                                                The Beni Malik country ends near the
                                             top of the plateau and Sai belongs to the A1
                                             edh-Dhi’b section of theRabi'ah waRufeidah.
                                             This is the beginning of the Wadi Tayyah
                                             which joins the Wadi Ahabesh at Muha’il.
                                             Going down the Wadi Tayyah through a
                                             barren and arid valley, after miles
                                             Karathah is reached.
                                    8A m. Karathah, a resting-place for caravans.
                                 Dir.NNW. Occasionally water.
                                      2 m. Bara, as above.
                  24  24 M‘a Beirur, small village with good water.
                                 This is the head-quarters of the A1 Harith section of
                                       the Rabi'ah wa Rufeidah, a wild and lawless
                                       collection of robbers. Some cultivation round the
                                       village. Thence through desolate country.
                                            °Lasdfah, where there are some shady trees.
                                     o m
                                             but no water.                                 .
                                     5 m. Was1 ah, as above. The A1 Nahyah section of
                                             the A l Harith wander over this country.
                              Mandar Xakhlei'i, a small but perennial spring and a
                  46 22
                                             litf-le cultivation during the rains.
                                                     Sha'h el-A si a joins Wadi Tayyah ant
                                     3 in. Wadi
                                             forms the boundary between the Rabi'ah va
                                             Rufeidah and the Beni Thuwwah.

                                 Dir. WNW.
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