Page 542 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 542
total, stages.
Descent from pass through narrow enclosed
Sobe (Sobah) (alt. 6,420 ft.), principal stronghold of
the ‘Aud tribe ; situated near Wadi Bana, in
which is a large perennial water-course ; coun-
try thickly populated and dotted with villages ;
descent to
Ma‘ber. After about £ hr. (on donkey back), enter
Wddi Bana at
Hulzah, and follow wadi up for another 4 hr. to
Seddah (alt. 6,620 ft.), small town with damp feverish
climate. Just beyond, road leaves the Bana,
turns N., and follows its tributary, the Wadi
Khuba (Thuba), by steep rocky ascent to
Suq eth-Thuluth (alt. 7,200 ft.). Track continues to
climb up Wadi Khuba ; it is often merely a
‘ footing ’ cut in the precipitous sides of the
wadi, and perilous ; at several places on the
way there are well-built drinking-troughs.
After an hour
Neqil el-Khuba (alt, 7,670 ft.) ; thence a very easy
descent and a considerable stretch along a wide
stony plain (gen. alt. 7,000 ft.), devoid of
vegetation from complete absence of water.
Arba'at el-Qala (Gala'), village and junction of four
roads (alt. 7,560 ft.). Roads S. to Mawiyah ;
W. to Ibb ; and NE. to Yerim. About hrs.
good going, with gentle ascents and descents ,
then over level plain to
YERIM, town (alt. 7,800 ft., according to Manzom);
see above, p. 271 (m. 136 of route).