Page 608 - A Hand Book of Arabia Vol 2_Neat
P. 608
total, stages.
2 m. Llban, village.
4 m. Akhiid, village ; good anchorage in Bandar
Laslc, the westernmost portion of Qishn Bay.
197 18 Qishn, large straggling village, about £ m. inland from
the head of Qishn Bay ; good water from wells
westward of the town ; fish plentiful, and good ;
i small imports of jowari, rice, dates, coffee and
sugar ; see I, p. 230.
Dir. generally ENE., along the shore of Qishn Bay.
3 m. Suq, small village near a salt-water lake ;
some palm trees.
2 m. Hafdt, small fishing village. Thence across
1 the promontory of Ras Darjah.
9-1 m. Route passes between Klior Maghshi and Jebel
Hadlm, and thence along a low sandy coast.
218-1 21J Saqr, straggling village in a date-grove near the beach ;
pop. 500-600 ; good water ; some grain grown.
Dir. N. of E., continuing along the low sandy coast
and through country which is bare, except where
there are stunted bushes and patches of cultiva
tion near villages. :
3-1 m. Village with fortified house. * I
7 m. Haswein, village of some 500 inhabitants ;
good water.
230' 171- Kheiseib, village of about 150 inhabitants near a valley. :
31 hrs. up from the mouth of this valley is Wadi,
with a pop. of 600 and three or four forts, a place i
of considerable trade of which Kheiseib is the
port ; 11 m. inland of Kheiseib are the villages of and Kadlfut, each with a pop. of about
l 300. and several wells of good water ; salt is
exported from this district.
i Dir. N., ascending for 2 m. over the promontory of
Fartak (alt. 1.900 ft.), the track afterwards going
along a precipitous escarpment.
12 m. Ras Fhitns. The route now descends the
1 m. Fish!Fm, village in a sandy bight.
2 m. Khor Khalfvt, up which boats of from 30 to
40 tons can be hauled during the SW.
monsoon. I
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