Page 140 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 140

                        The length of the pier extension will bo approximately 1,200 feet and the width
                  50 feet with a platform at the end measuring 50’xl50\
                        5.  Passport Office. 11a. 8,000. Negotiations are in progress for leasing tho
                  old Police Station building, which contains tho Passport Department, to the Indian
                  Posts and Telegraph Department. If this arrangement is effected a Passport Office
                  will be built in the neighbourhood of the Customs House. Accommodation will be
                  required for several clerks and for records.
                        6.  Quarters. Rs. 25,000. At present many of the clerical staff who  are
                  entitled to quarters are housed in rented buildings in the town. Provision has been
                  made for building some quarters for Asiatic employees.
                        7.  Manama-Muharraq Causeway Extension. Rs. 50,000. Until a report has
                  been made on this work by the Consulting Engineer, who is expected in October, it
                  is not possible to estimate for any definite work. A provisional sum of Rs. 50,000 has
                  been set aside for completing the parapet and for any construction work which may
                  be commenced in the third quarter of the year.
                        8.  Police Quarters. Rs. 20,000. Twelve new houses for married men are to
                  be built in the Police married lines. Each house will consist of two little rooms and
                  a compound.
                        9. Water Tower, Fort. Rs. 3,500. A water tower similar to the one erected
                  by the Bahrain Government at Jufair, is to be built at the Fort in order to create an
                  adequate water supply and a system of sanitation, which is at present non-existent
                  and badly needed.
                        10. Muharraq Sea Road Extension. Rs. 40,000.  A special grant is to be
                  made to the Muharraq Municipality for the specific purpose of extending the existing
                  sea road on the north. If this is done traffic between the pier and the aerodrome
                  and the towm of Hedd and numerous villages on Muharraq island will not have to
                  pass through the narrow twisting streets of Muharraq town.
                        11.  Quarantine [Repairs. Rs. 7,500. The Quarantine buildings are to be
                  repaired and improved, tho pier is to be mended.
                        12.  Fort Wall and Tower. Rs. 25,000. The north east .tower of the fort,
                  now a complete ruin, is to be rebuilt to match the north west tower and the eastern
                  wall and portions of the southern walls are to be restored. The new tower will be
                  used as a prison for women.
                        13.  Completion of Muharraq Girls’School. Rs. 5,000. This includes completing
                  the new school and repairs to the adjacent house which is to be occupied by the
                  teaching staff.
                        14.  Completion of Hawar Fort. Rs. 3,000. This includes cost of constructing
                  pier at Hawar.
                        15.  Completion of Law Courts. Rs. 6,000. This includes outstanding bills
                  and cost of fittings.

                        B. New Works—Minor.
                        1. Stores Shed. Rs. 3,000. The Government has no Public VVorks Depart­
                  ment buildings; and in the past cement, wood and other building material has been
                  stored in the Customs House, which was found unsatisfactory. A Public Works
                  Department shed is to be built near the Public Works Department office behind the
                        2.  Manama Boys’ School Wall. Rs. 1,500. The playing grounds of the
                  B3ys’ School are to be enclosed by a wall along the road and a fence on three other
                  sides. The wall will improve the appearance of the school and will restrain the
                  boys from using the road as a playground which is dangerous owing to motors, it will
                  also prevent cars from driving across the playground.
                        3.  Country Schools. Rs. 6,000. Provision has been made for three new 6mall
                  country schools similar to those at Budeya and Sitrah.
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