Page 279 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 279

         3. Bahrain Registered Craft.

               For the yoar 1358 the Budget estimate of collections from Craft Registration
         was Rs. 2,500. Actually the amount collected was Rs. 2,724 , which was Rs. 23
         more than the actual collections of 1357. The rates of the registration fees has not
         been changed during the past year. The following table shows the position of the
         Bahrain Craft.

                                                  Small   Motor
                                         Barges.  Motor Launches I   Sailing  Total.
                                                Launches. & S/Tugs. }
         Registered cruft at end of 1357   14      13      76    1,006   1,109
         Newly built in 1358                               7        19     26
         Foreign craft newly registered    2                5      26      33
         New barges imported               4                                4
         Converted launches                                4                4
         Imported steam tug, new                           1                1
         Imported steam tug, old                           1                1

                                          20      13      94     1,051   1,178
         Converted sailing craft                           1       1

                                          20      13      93     1,052   1,178

         LESS: in 1358.

         Sold abroad                                               44      44
         Broken up                                         1       23      24
         Built for sale abroad                                      2       2
         Removed abroad                                    1        1       2
         Confiscated abroad                                         4       4
         Lost at sea                                                6       6
         Burnt in Port                                              1       1

                                                           2       81      83
         BALANCE: Registered Craft at
                     end of 1358          20      13      91      971    1,095
                          Total           20      13      93    1,052   1,178

               It will be seen from the above that there are fourteen fewer craft of all kinds
         in this port. The same number of motor launches were built for port work in 1358 as
         in 1357. This is on account of the regular traffio between Bahrain and Al-Khobar,
         and the marine service of The Bahrain Petroleum Coy., Ltd. To encourage the
         building of motor launches, preferential treatment is given by way of a refund of
         Customs Duty when a British marine engine is installed in Bahrain-built craft.
         Some technical assistance has been given by the Bahrain Petroleum Coy., Ltd., to
         the local craftsmen, who work without plans; and, as a result, several of the
         launches constructed last year are very fine sea-going craft, easily able to travel to
         any part of the Persian Gulf. It is a matter of regret that so many of the larger
         sea-going sailing oraft are laid up ashore, since, in view of the poor pearling  seasons,
         there have not been available funds to equip them for service.
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