Page 282 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 282
Comparative Statements of Cargo.
Year 1867. delivered
B.I.8.N. Coy., Ltd. 1,97,368 1,67,107
British Tanker Coy., Ltd. 91,601 22,600
Mitsui Line 43,662 3,800
Strick-EUerraan 33,968 6,690
Yaraashita Line 25,867 700
Kaye Line 19,846 1,000
Pacific-J ava-Bilver 18,821 66,690
Han8a Line 12,530 68,176
Asiatio B N. Coy., Ltd. 7,060 1,276
Lloyd-Triestino 2,054
Isthmian Line 657 19,484
Totals 4,63,434 3,47,421
Year 1368. delivered
B.I.S.N. Coy., Ltd. 2,40,826 1,43,986
British Tanker Coy., Ltd. 65,769 40,680
Mitsui Line 64,148 2,746
Strick-Ellerm&n 40,464 6,038
Yamashita Line 35,015 5,171
Pacific-J ava-Bilver 19,202 7,707
Asiatio B N. Coy., Ltd. 16,707 9,073
Hansa Line 6,717 1,12,448
Isthmian Line 5,528 850
Baron Line 3,122
Lloyd-Triestino 16 3,334
Totals 4,96,513 3,32,032
In addition to the above, the following tankships brought cargo to this port:
T.V. “China” 390 packages
„ “Nederland” 513
,. “Uniwalico” 15
„ “Ketty Brovig” 65
„ “South Afrioa” 68
„ “Paneurope” 7
„ “Beaumont” 65
„ “El Segundo" 1,500
Total ... 2,603 v
The above figures do not inolude the duty-free packages imported by
The Bahrain Petroleum Coy., Ltd , whioh aggregated to 2,33,415 in 1367 as against
2,67,169 in the past year.