Page 281 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 281


             NATIONALITY OF TANICSHIPS.              Year 1357.    Year 1358.

         Norwegian                                      31           57
        Danish                                          11           18
        Dutch                                            7            9
        Panama                                           5            7
        Italian                                          9            5
         United States                                   1            4
        South Africa                                                  1
        British                                          4            1
        Japanese                                         1

                                     Total              69          102

        Note: Kerr. S.S. Coy’s, vessels.            Pacific-Java-Silver vessels.
                British 3                               Dutch 5
                Norwegian 4                             Norwegian 3

              Of the above steamers, two hundred and thirty called at Manamah, and
        one hundred and seventy-six called at Sitrah.
              There is now a double service of B.I.S.N. Coy’s, steamers at Manamah, one
        fast mail up and down, and one slow mail up and down, every week; and, as may be
        expected, the majority of the passenger traffic to and from India now passes on the
        fast mail. Another improvement in traffic occurs through mail being carried when
        possible upon the fast mail. In this connection it is curious to observe that while
        parcels sent from India to Bahrain proceed to Bahrain upon the fast mail the
        parcols for Bahrain sent from Europe proceed by the fast mail to Karachi only,
        where they appear to be re-sorted, and sent to Bahrain on the subsequent fast mail.
        This explains the delay in arrival at Bahrain of European parcels, which causes
        local complaint.
              The approximate quantity of oil products in tons exported in 1358 was
        8,90,971 tons, as compared with 7,36,292 tons in 1357, which includes the re-export
        of products of crude oil imported from Arabia.
              I give below a comparison of the quantities of cargo brought to this port by
       cargo steamers (as distinguished from tankships) during the past year.
   276   277   278   279   280   281   282   283   284   285   286