Page 308 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 308


                                          THE OUT-PATIENTS.
                (a) Government Hospital.
                    A brief list shows the main features.
                    1.  Eye-Disease is a scourge which is so endemic and tenacious that the people themselves
                have become dulled to the potency of its terrible complications, which have led to so much total
                blindness. Trachoma is mainly responsible for this, and 70 per cent of all opthalmia is due to it.
                20 per cent of all out-patients come because of bad eyes, and fortunately they arc very agreeable
                to long courses of treatment.
                    2.  Malaria.—The numbers attending arc considerably less. While early yet to give reliable
                statistics, the figures already show a marked decrease in Manama. The peak months were again
                May and June.
                    3.  Venereal Disease.—All stages are seen, but the nervous tertiary forms are uncommon.
                Secondary syphilis, showing widespread skin and throat ulcers, is seen frequently, especially in
                the villages, and is extremely infectious. Good results are hoped for from the Isolation Hospital,
                where follow up work after cure is being inaugurated.
                    4.  Dysentery,—This is nearly all due to the Entamoeba Histolytica, and is most common
                in the spring and autumn months, when it almost reaches epidemic form. To enforce strict rules
                for the carrying out of improved town sanitary methods is the only way to eradicate this disease.
                    5.  Asthma.—This is a serious bronchial complaint. Diet and humidity both play a part in
                causing it. When once it establishes a hold in a patient it is practically impossible to cure.
                Temporary relief for acute attacks can be achieved most readily, but only too soon a recurrence
                of symptoms occurs.
                    6.  Mumps reached minor epidemic form in May and June this year. It is chiefly in children,
                though adults become also attacked. Its ready spread is due to lack of segregation owing to
                people not treating this disease seriously.
                    7.  Other Diseases.—Rheumatic disease in all its forms is common, especially arthritis and
                myositis. Rheumatic fever is only occasionally seen. Dermatitis of the scalp is frequently found
                in the schools, and whooping cough. Phlhysis (pulmonary tuberculosis) has not been recorded
                much. The few eases seen have been usually severe, and have died shortly after. More detailed
                examinations will certainly reveal many more, as it is more common than it appears to be.
                             Bahrain Government Male Dispensaries and Clinics.
                                             1359 (1940).
                                       No. of   Total No.    Minor
                     Name of Place.   Clinics.   Patients.  Operations.  Injections.
                *1  Muharraq           Daily      8,581       283       222
                 2  Suq Al-Khamis      Daily      3.8.14      34         22
                 3  Hidd               Daily      3.385        10         5
                 4                     Daily      1,870       67         67
                 5  Sitra               61        >.033        >3        23
                 6  Baidav a             64        991        25         25
                 7  Rifa'a               3>        847         8          8
                 8  Kara/akhan           10         78
                 9  Jiddah               10         >30
                                       Totals ...  20,949     440       372
                                                     Total No. vaccination = 167
                    •Seven months only because of Dr. Bhandarkar’s leave of absence on holiday.
                                       Certain Dispensary Statistics.
                                      No. of
                  Name of Place.   New Patients. Eye Diseases.  Malaria.  Y.D.  Others.
                Muharraq              5.752       894       463       81        4,071
                Suk Al-Khami>         2,258       295       >99       64        1.511
                Sakhir                1,196        98       219        6          876
                Sitra                   544       103        54        >3         374
                 Baidaya                500       too        6.S       2          333
                Rifa’a                  297        99        27        2          169
                            Totals ...  >o,547   >.589     1,024      168       7.334

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