Page 312 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 312
Not many cases of pneumonia were admitted. Those who came in received great benefit
from the new "693” treatment. The percentage of cures for asthma (67 per cent) is optimistic as
no cure can be made unless they arc taken in hand from the beginning. Very severe and almost
moribund cardiac eases were admitted with a 50 per cent mortality.Other deaths, which were all
medical except one, were from tuberculosis, inanition (particularly in the hot weather), chronic
suppuration, and injuries.
Surgically good results were obtained with the piles and hernias. Some of the fistula patients
did not do well due to intercurrent diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, which caused their
death. The fractures were all major ones due to road accidents chielly, and the Kirschncr wire
skeletal traction method of immobilisation in a Thomas' Splint or a Braun frame was adopted
with fair success.
The Eye Section has been taken last because of its importance. Trachoma, with its accom
panying complications of keratitis, pannus, trichiasis,speaks for itself. Most eye disease, especially
trachoma, is preventable, and the most successful lines of treatment in the future will be by
preventative measures and simple propaganda. Malnutrition plays a part, but improved personal
hygiene to limit its contagious spread is the most important factor, and should begin in the homes
and schools.
Conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, iritis and irido-cyctitis, and secondary glaucoma are all rela
tively common. Primary glaucoma is not often seen. Keratitis, diffuse and localised, are found
repeatedly in every stage. Rare forms of eye disease arc kcratoconus and kcrato-malacia. Staphy
loma is in a class by itself in children and young adults, and the treatment is extremely unsatis
factory in preventing total blindness, even when taken in hand at the outset.
Cataract in all its forms is seen here as frequently as anywhere in the East. Congenital,
traumatic, senile, and gJaucomatous arc the chief varities, and a large measure of successful
treatment for restoration of sight can be effected.
Major Operations on Male Patients
For 1359 (1940)
Disease. Operation. Cured. Improved. Not Improved. Died. Total.
Inguinal Hernia Radical Cure 6 6
Haemorrhoids .... Clamp and Cautery ... 86 1 1 88
Fistula-in-Ano ... Excision 13 14
Fracture Kirschncr wire insertion 3 1 4
Sequestrum Scquestrectory 2
Mastoidis Mastoidestomy 1 1
Cataract Capsulotomy 21 2
In-capsule 28
Expressed lens 2
• Staphyloma >•< Iridectomy 24 24 •8 .74
'Retained Capsule Capsulectomy 3 3
Corneal Ulcer ... Saemisch section 1 1 2
Staphyloma 'Enuclation 12 x *3
Panoplhalmitis Evisceratiow 4 1 1
4. —Fibroma of Foot Excision .1
5. —Throat
Enlarged Tonsils Tonsillectomy
4 .4
Total ... 202 30 12 445
Cured ... 83.5% Improved ... 12% Not Improved ... 5% Died ... 6.5%