Page 314 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 314


                           /.—I ul ravenous.—
                              n. a. n.                          ...   467
                              Quinine                               37
                              Quinine                          ... 1,381
                              Others                                10
                              Emetine                              352
                                                          Total ... 2,265

                              1'. A. B. Vaccine
                              Small-pox                             </»
                        Minor Operations.
                           The list shows the usual representative variety which are dealt with daily in out-patients.
                        Two things of note are the trichiasis operation, and the sub-conjunotival saline injection (S. C. I.)
                       Trichiasis is common particularly of the upper lids and is one of the end results of trachoma.
                        The Anagnostiki method of rectifying the iuturned eyelash is fairly satisfactory. Mucous mem­
                        branous grafts have not been used as yet.
                           The S. C. I. in ic.c. to iAc.c. dosages of 6 to 12 per cent hyperlonis saline every 4th day,
                       is extremely efficacious for acute phlyctenular and chronic conjunctivitis, and cpiscelcrits, and
                       sometimes for irido-cyclitis, and for spring   catrrh.
                                   INJECTIONS     INOCULATIONS      VACCINATIONS
                       1. —Injections
                          A total of 1,418 quinines were given, mostly intramuscular. 467 intravenous N.A.B.s.  were
                       used for syphilis, an average of six to each
                          The 352 emetines are a  measure of the high incidence of amoebic dysentery in the island.
                       2. —Inoculations
                          These were for typhoid only. They   employed prophylaclically, chicflly for the medical
                                               . .  were
                       staff. Some Europeans   were  a so injected, especially after the heavy November rains. Very few
                       cases of typhoid  were  lowevir, and the chief after result of the floods was to raise the
                       incidence of dysentery.
                       3. —Vaccinations
                          Only 96
                                 were given in Manama, mostly for school children. A larger number were required
                       in the district, totalling 167, and most of these were on Badaya children who demanded it when
                       the smallpox epidemic was raging in Arabia in November and December. No cases of smallpox
                       were seen in Manama or any of the outside clinics.

                                              Laboratory Male Statistics
                                                   1359 (1940)
                                                         INiMlive.  Negative.  Total.
                             l'or Malaria                  r>
                             For Haemoglobin                       11      *7
                                                           3               3
                             For Red Cell Count
                                                           3               3
                             For While Cell Count ...   ...   7
                             For Differential White Cell Count ... 6
                       II.—Urine.—                                         6
  I                                                     New Cases. Return Cases.
                             Red Cells                     0 6     4      *3
                             Polymorphs                                    6
                             Sugar                        J9      10      29
                                                           4       2       6
                                                                          34          Total..
   309   310   311   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319