Page 318 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 318

                         The chief even! of the year has been llie opening of the in-palienls* blocks for men and
                      women, so that ilu* Bahrain Government Hospital has now come into hrinif. There now only
                      remains the Administration Block to be finished, before the Hospital as a whole will be complete,
                      and this will take place next year. Certain improvements to the environments of the Hospital,
                      it is hoped, will also come about then, and some garden planning has already been done.
                         The Women’s Block was ollicially opened bv Sheikha Ayesha bint Sheikh Rashid on May
                      28th, 11140 (Rabi Than! 21st, 1350). On June 151I1, 0)40 (Jainada Awal 10th, 13511) the first two
                      wards of the Men’s Block were taken over and in-patients were admitted. The remaining three
                      wards were then utilised as they became available. By the middle ol August every bed had been
                      taken up and filled.
                         The Police Hospital was closed for in-patients on June 15th (Jamada Awal 10th) and all its
                      inmates were transferred 10 the new block. It continued to serve its function as an out-patient
                      centre for the police until December, when a further change was made. I he clinic was transferred
                      to the main Hospital Dispensary, and the building was taken over as the Bahrain (iovernment
                      Isolation Hospital on January 1st, 11)41 (Dilhaj 3rd, 1351)) for the in-patient and out-patient
                      treatment of venereal disease and early cases of of pulmonary tuberculosis. A very promising
                      field of work, it is hoped, will result from this, because of the widespread nature of the former
                      disease throughout the island.
                         The scope of the medical work lias progressed considerably as the buildings became more
                      and more occupied and the stall' proportionately added to. There was a great increase in opera­
                      tions, injections, and laboratory tests, and major operative surgery came into being. The district
                      work was enlarged with more regular clinics each week, which some of the schools were also
                      able to attend. The Anti-Malaria Department established a routine weekh programme of preventive
                      work for Manama and its near environments, and spread its activities over into Muharraq island,
                      Sitra, and Jehzira N’asan.
                         In conclusion, this has been a year of great change. The dispensary work which previously
                      existed alone is now linked up to a Hospital. Special departments are coming into being, and
                      the outside district work is more and more proving itself a field arm of great value supplying
                      a need. It is very much hoped that gradually the simplest public health matters and methods of
                      preventing disease will become more known, taken up, and utilised bv the people themselves.
                                               WOMEN’S SECTION
                         Report of (iovernment Medical work among women and children during the
                                    year 1359, submitted hv Dr. M. M. McDowai.i..
                                                    TABLE I
                      General Dispensaries
                             Dispensary.       Out-fat itiils. Minor Operations. Deliveries.
                         Nairn                   6,71 q       j 1 _■       5
                         Manama Girls* School     267
                          Baladia                                         21
                         Moharraq                7.'‘i.l                  00
                         Moharraq and Hide!
                         Girls School
                         Suk Al-Khaniis          2.032
                                        Total ...  24-112     212         >25
                          Weekly clinics were held at the Women’s Dispensary, Naim on Saturday, Monday, and
                       I hursdav, throughout the year. I'alients requiring dailv treatment also received treatment on
                       the other days of the week.
                          The Baladiya Dispensary in Manama was closed for six months of the year, When it was
                       reopened in October only children, school girls, and expectant mothers received treatment there.
                       It is hoped that in time a proper child welfare clinic will develop at this clinic.
                          The number of patients treated at Moharraq Dispensarv has increased considerably this year,
                       and the weekly Dispensary at Kafa has maintained its usefulness. A  new  dispensary was,op  cned
                       at Suk-AI-Khamis on February 1 pit. This is a good  centre  for patients who live in the villai!1®**
                       Some patients conic from Sitra on donkeys to attend the clinic and others from Badava.
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