Page 320 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 320
Skin diseases 1.8
Hums •43
Injuries and Accidents $.6
Hone disease .86
Venereal disease .86
Malnutritions •43
Rheumatism 1.8
Disease of nervqus system .86
Malaria 4-3
Miscellaneous 1.8
3-} maternity cases were delivered in hospital and 45 patients treated for gynaecological
complaints. 6y major operations were performed and iu minor operations. J05 laboratory tests
were made. 55 patients were treated with eye disease, u of which were operated for cataract.
Dr. Snow was kind enough to perform the eye operations.
Inspection of tin* figures presented shows that women's diseases account for 33 per cent of
the total number of patients, treated and eye diseases 22 per cent. It is clear that if only one
third of the in-patients suffer from women's diseases proper, it will be many years before the
hospital is properly used for maternity and gynaecological work. This means that further educa
tion must be given to the public by health visitors, and district midwives, properly trained,
before the public realise the proper function of the women’s hospital.
Health of School Girls
The Lady Medical Ollicer hade her annual inspection of Manama and Moharraq girls schools.
The following table presents the defects in each school: —
Manama Moharnui
% Vo
Xu. iff girls examined 1H0 111
Hcud, dirty and lice ... 22 23-2
9-5 i-M
Kar, nose, throat and teeth 10.6 7-5
Circulatory •5 •5
'•4 1.8
Skins K.t, 4<)
Vaccinations + 34-5 3«
Vaccinations =
1 i.y *7
•Women 'disease
After inspection of Manama School it was decided to send a School nurse twice weekly to
treat the children. If necessary, they were sent by her to the Haladia dispensary. *lhc result «f
'this measure resulted'in a notable improvement in the personal hvgiene and health of the children,
particularly in the reduction of eye disease.
Now a small room has been’ allocated to the school nurse in the Manama School, and she
attends school to give daily treatment. \ record is kept of her work. A nurse attends Mohnrraq
and Hidd schools twice weekly but it is hoped that soon she will be able to attend Moharraq
school daily to give treatment.
During the year 457 registrations were carried out and Rs. 6,430 was collected in fees. The
present fees for land registration are extremely low in proportion to the amount of work in\o
in carrying tint the registration.
ImiiiI .1 uclimis.—The department auctioned 41 properties for the Bahrain courts. 1 his
is done free of charge although it involves almost as much work as registration of property.
These properties are usually sold in order to satisfy claims against the owners and the owners
are reluctant to give the department any help in establishing the boundaries, etc. Sometimes the
owners are not in Bahrain. Frequently the sale is not carried out because the parties come to an
agreement during the auction period. The question of a fixed fee for such sales by the Land
Department is under consideration.