Page 319 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 319
Comparative table of percentage number of diseases found at the dispensaries.—
I >i Naim llaliMlin MmIi,ut;h| Kafa Sul\-.\l-Klmmi* Tntal
/«• % % % %
Respiratory 9.3 19.8 8.5 5.6 9.3 1.2
Circulatory 2.9 3.3 5. 1.7 2.66
Intestinal • ■ J8.9 17.2 12.8 20.8 23.6 17.9
lives 15.5 12.3 16.9 15.9 15.5 16.6
Nose :::
Throat • 11.7 9.2 14. 14. 4.7 11.08
Women disease 7.9 5.5 7.4 3. 1.8 6.8
Pregnancy 2.8 4. .5 2.5
Skins 9.5 7.5 13.6 6.7 7.7
Hones and Joints 7.4 12.6 2.8
Urinary and Kidneys 1.1 .35
Syphilis 1.6 .5 .55
Vaccination .9
Malaria • 10.5 24. 9.6 5.7 33.4 15.5
Miscellaneous 12.2 7.8 2.3
Rheumatism 10.2 4.1
Burns .008
Injuries . 11
Nervous .017
Diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, malaria and intestinal disease, are the main com
plaints for which advice is sought. Daily remedial clinics to combat these diseases is what the
public require.
Two health visitors have been appointed, one in Manama and one in Moharraq. Already they
have been well received by the public in their own homes. The health visitors are ready to give
advice to mothers on mother craft, hygiene, cleanliness, etc. It is also hoped that they will dispel
fear, and encourage mothers to bring ailing children to the dispensaries for medical care.
The Women’s Hospital
Her Highness Sheikha Aisha opened the Government Women's Hospital, on May 25th, 1940
(Rabi Thani ifiih, 1359). The day was eventful and the scene in the outer court yard of the
hospital an unusual picture. Hundreds of Arab ladies, covered with their abbas, sat out in the
sun, while overhead the red and while llags of Bahrain added colour to the scene, The verandah
was crowded with ladies, Arab and European, when Sheikha Aisha made the opening speech,
and cut the red and while ribbon across the inner doorway which led to the hospital. All the
members of the stall’ were present at the opening ceremony.
The next few months taxed our patience waiting for patients. All that can be said is that
the door of the hospital has been kept open, and we hope that increasingly people will enter it,
without fear.
The number of in-patients treated in hospital was 2H0, in seven months.
'Fable III sets out the diseases treated in hospital in percentages.—
11’omcJi\v Hospital. Percentages.
Maternity Cases Normal and abnormal 12
Miscarriage and abortion 3-4
Anti-natal cases 2.1
Post-natal cases *• 5
Gynecological disease
Disease of urinary system
Kye diseases (cataract) 22
l^ar disease 2.1
Intestinal disease (dysentery) >•7
Circulatory 4-3
Respiratory (pthisis) 64