Page 324 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 324



                    Shia Shara Court.
                          Shaikh Hakr bin Ahmed Alasfoor.
                          Shaikh Mohomed .Mi bin Ilumaidan.
                       The number of cases sent to ibis court an* less than (hose sent lo the Sunni Shara Court..
                    Tin* work of the court is satisfactory and eases which it deals with are settled promoptly.
                    Majlis Tijara.
                       The court sits once a week. It consists of two committees which sit alternate weeks. The-
                    number of cases sent from Bahrain Courts during the year was 40 of which 32 were finally settled.
                    There was one appeal from the .Majlis Tijara.
                    Shia Appeal Court.
                       Five appeal cases were heard by the Appeal f)adi, all but one were disposed of.
                    High Appeal Court
                          Shaikh Abdullah bin Isa Alkhalifah
                          Shaikh Sulman bin Hamad Mkhalifah
                           I'lte Adviser to the (iovernment.
                       During the year 14 appeal cases were heard b\ this court which decided 7 of the cases, the
                    remainder being still under consideration. Four of the cases were appeals from the Shara Court
                    and the remainder were front the Bahrain Court.
                       Summary of cases.—
                          The Bahrain Courl—
                              Land cases
                              New civil suits . .     too
                              Criminal cases ..       too
                              Old civil .suits .       57

                           Bahrain Small Courl—
                              New civil suits ...     7«4
                              Criminal cases ...
                              Old civil suits ...     217
                                            Total ...  1,104
                        i here has been a lulling oil' in important cases partly owing- lo the decrease in litigation
                    among pearl merchants and mikhitdas which is due to lack of activity in the diving industry,. A
                    number of cases were accepted without payment of court fees because the complainants were
                    obviously pauper.*,. There is a certain lack of co-operation between the Bahrain, Minors Depart­
                    ment and the Sunni Shara Court which will be removed when  more  definite rules governing the
                    last department have been laid down. This matter is under consideration.

                       The Manamah Municipality.—
                           Revenue          Rs.  >,'.VM7
                           Kxpendilurc      Rs.  <j»l, 1K0
                       /Tiiuiiccw.—The revenue was  slightly mi ire than in the previous year; the expenditure during
                    the last four years has not varied greatly. The main sources of revenue are the Government
                    subsidy, house and shop taxes, and the*share of the vehicle tax which is collected by the Govern­
                    ment. I he chief items of expenditure were on town cleaning and mending and opening up new
                    roads through the bazar. The cash balance of the municipality at the end of the year was
                    approximately Rs. 47,<xx>. In the budget for 1360 revenue amounting to Rs. 1,01,000 is anticipated.
                        Acv lit mils.—Work done during the year included opening up  a new  road through' the bazar
                    from cast to west for which  4<) shops were partly demolished and 6 were  entirely removed. The
                    road makes part of the bazar, which used to consist of
                          "re:: r .....—-

                       1 , • 1   ......   *       ,n ",luh the town can expand. 1 he new roads are wide-
                    and straight and divide the open land into sections which  are  sub-divided by smaller roads.
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