Page 336 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 336
I.—Electricity Department.
Units generated for the year 1359 showed an increase of 11,554 over 1358.
Units sold and used on works for the year 1359 showed an increase of 38,321 over 1358.
This was due to extra load amounting to approximately 71 k.w. The nature of the new load
connected during 1359 was as follows: —
Lighting* and fans (786 points) ... 34-o
Power: Motors and Jttfair wireless set 4-“
Heaters ami heating appliances ... 10.0
.\.C\ plant (A.L.O.'s Residence) ... 5-0
Refrigerators 1.0
A.C. Units 14.0
Miscellaneous apparatus 3*°
Total ... 71.0
Revenue from units sold during 1559 amounted to Rs. 1 >6,038/4 as compared with Rs.
122,467/15 in 1558. Increase Rs. 3,540/5.
The increase is small in comparison with past years, and is due to the following: —
(a) Lighting restrictions (imposed under Defence Regulations).
(b) A reduction was made in the price of electricity for lighting and fans (one anna
per unit), thereby reducing the annual income from this source by approximately
Rs. 1,000.
170 premises were connected during 135*4, as follows: —
In Manamah 153
In Muharruq >7
Total consumers connected to date, 1,509.
Maximum loud recorded 180.
Total kilowatts connected to dale 618 k.w. Capacity of generating plant, including
standby, 400 KVA.
Wiring Contracts.—
The local wiring contractors continued wiring in the Slate during 1359. Premises wired
were as follows: —
1. By llaji Salman Abdulla Zavani 5f»
2. By Mr. Yousuf Khalil A! Moayed 12
3. By Messrs. Koohiji Bros. 44
4. Bv llaji Abdul Rahman Molid. Zavani 4°
The Klectric Department carried out the wiring of (iovernmcnl and certain other premises
as follows: —
Lighting the extension to Manamah Pier.
Government Hospital — Male Block.
Government Hospital — Male Nurses’ Ouarters.
Additional street lighting at Manamah and Muhuiru(| Towns.
The office of the Pier Clerk (.Manamah).
And a few other small premises.
Temporary U'iring.—
No temporary illuminations look place in 1359, owing to the political situation.
Main Extensions.—
The L. T. line from Oitdhaibia substation to Jttfair was converted to II. T. (3,300) during'
the year 1359, and a new- II. T. sub-station built at Jufair to deal with the increased load. The
cost of the line and sub-station was borne by the Admiralty.
An extension of the Sea Road lighting in Mulmrrnq was carried out, ond consumed of
thirteen poles, and a three phase line. The cost was met by the Muharruq Baladiya.