Page 338 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 338


                     Aiiti-Mnhirin (\unfwign.—
                         The Stale I Cn^inccr, assisted l»v the Sir ret a in in tin* Miinumah Municipality, arranged the
                      draining of certain very evil-smelling stagnant pools, etc. Arising out ol' anti-malaria discussion*,
                      a Municipal water scheme was prepared by the Stale Kngjncei, bul, owing to present world
                      conditions, it was not thought advisable to carry out the scheme (although generally approved)
                      at the present time.
                      Electricity Clinrgas. —
                         The Department hope to be able further to reduce the price of electricity for lighting (and
                      fan) purposes in 1.160, although war conditions may make this dillicult.
                      Eiiumcial Position.—
                         After meeting all charges a profit of Rs. 10,169/1.1/11 was made for the year 1.159. The
                      accounts were examined by the chartered accountants, Messrs. Whinncry Murray & Co. Finan­
                      cial re-construction of the undertaking is being considered, however, and it is suggested that
                      the plant values be written up (as it is in excellent condition after eleven years’ wear) and the
                      rate of depreciation lowered. If this is dune the nett profit for 1559 would 1m- Rs, ay,540/1/4.
                      Prospects for 1560.—
                         Owing to the war situation, it is unlikely that very much new Uu\d will Uc obtained during
                      1360, but it is expected that the air-conditioning load will increase. Some twenty extra units have
                      been arranged for by the public, and the new plant of the Air Ministry Air Liaison Udicer’s
                      KeVvrtvpi* -vili upvraie.
                         WifWK id die b;\*aAr will probably continue at a reduced rate, three tu four houses being
                      VWd H n.MVith i»s compared lyilb fourteen houses ip 1359.
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