Page 342 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 342


                                           CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT
                      Report for tlu* year 135c) by Mr. C. C\ I.. tie (Jkkniku, Director of Customs anti Pori Officer.
                                  COMPARISON OP IU'DGKT ESTIMATES: 1358—1359.
                                               Estimated Collect inns Estimated ('ollectious
                           Budget Head.             for 135H.          1359.
                                                       Us.            Rs.
                        Customs and Import Yard      5,70,000       6,75.000
                        Pearling Licenses             3-1,500         20,000
                        Craft Licenses                 2,500          2,000
                                          Totals ...  5,?)7»ooo     6,97,orx»

                        The Budget anticipated that in 1359 the collections from Customs sources would be
                     ■considerably increased, and also that the receipts from pearling licenses would be less than in
                     the previous year.
                        The actual collections, in comparison with the. Budget Estimates, were: —
                                              Estimated     Actual
                         Budget Head.         Collections.  Collections.  Increase.  Decrease.
                                                 Us.         Us.         Us.          Us.
                     Customs and Import Yard   6,75,000    8,51.832    1.76.832
                     Pearling Licenses          20,000                                8,648
                     Craft Licenses   ...............  2,tXX>  *'.352      4"
                                     Totals ...  6,97,o<x>  8,65,595   ».77.243       8,648
                              Decrease        8,648
                           Net Increase     1.68,595

                        It will thus be seen that there was actually an  increase in collections over the Budget estimate,
                     mainly in the Customs section.
                        It might, perhaps, be thought that the above figures indicate an unexpected increase, in local
                     commercial activity for the past year; but a comparison of actual receipts shows the position:
                         Budget Head.          Year 1358. 1359.  Increase.  Decrease.
                                                 Rs.         Us.         Us.          Rs.
                     1. —Customs and Import Yard .  10,09,326  8,51,832             1,57.494
                     2. —Pearling Licenses..............  13.353  11.352              2,<»oi
                     3. —Craft Licenses ..............
                                                 2,724       2.411                     3*3
                                     Totals ...  10,25,403  8.65,595                1,59.8o8
                        There has been an all-round decrease in this Department’s collections. This is shown by a
                    •comparison of classified receipts: —
                        (1) Comparison of Custom’s classified receipts.
                           Source.             year 1358.  Year 1359.   Increase.  Decrease.
                                                  Us.        Us.         Us.          Rs.
                     A. —Steamers
                                               4.66,732    4,08,711                  58,021
                     B. —Native Craft           <>5.562     92,519                    3.043
                    "C.—Parcels Post                                                  1.036
                                                31.744      30,708
                     D. —Passengers             30,083       28.431                   1,652
                     E. —Exports
                                                 1.334       1.853         5'9
                     K.—Direct Transhipment    1,08,330     <>0.330                  J 7.001
                     G. —Import Yard           2,62,488    1,86,926                  75.562
                     H. —Miscellaneous                                                 7<>8
                                                 13.<»53     *2,345
                                     Totals ...  10.txj.326  8,51.832      5«9      1,58.013
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