Page 347 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (II)_Neat
P. 347

           During' the past year an extension of llu* trolley line system has been laid clown; and the
        lighting system has also been extended. Neither extension has been done according to the. original
        requirements, which took into account the stendih increasing volume of goods handled upon
        the Pier, and also provided for night-work when necessary. However, the exigencies of the  war
       having prevented night-work, owing to the black-out, these defects are not at present of serious
        import, and may possibly be adjusted under peace-time conditions.
           .\i the island of Sitra a Pier has been constructed by Messrs Petroleum Concessions, Ltd.,
       to handle their l r a flic to and from their operations at Zekrit.
           During the year 1359, 320 foreign steamers visited this port (excluding H.B.M’s. warships
       and the L.T. "Nearchus"), as compared with 406 in 135K, a decrease, of 86, while, in 1357 there,
       were 351 steamers* visits. This decrease has been in cargo steamers other than tankships, and
       illustrates the decrease in the quantities of imports explained above. These ships are classified as
       follows: —
                     A'utionalily.           Year 1358.     I’cur 1359.
              H.I.S.N. Coy., Ltd.             188 M.         *37 M.
              Strick-KJIcrman                  36 S.          17 M.
              Asiatic S.N. Coy.                 ft M.         5 M.
              British Tanker Coy., Ltd. ...    *5 M.          17 M.
                                              -45            176
          dermal 1.—
              Hansa Line                       14 S.          nil.
              Mitsui Line                      6 M.           4 M.
              Yamashila Line.                  ri M.          10 M.
              Lloyd-Triestino                  2              nil.
          .Y«»noegia 11. —(charter to
             Pacilic-Java-Silver Line          8 S.          12 S.
          r.S.A. (Panama).—
              Isthmian S.S. Coy.               II s.         14 S.
             Kerr S.S. Cov., Ltd. (Pacific-Java Silver)  7 S.  2 S.
                                              5°4           218
             Tankships, various               102            102
                                    Total ...  406          320

          Nationality of Tanlsships.   Tear 1358.  Year 1359.
             Norwegian                  57          4‘»
             Danish                      tS         5
             Dutch                                  4
             Panama                                 35
             Italian                     5          2
             United States of America    4          2
             South Africa                t
             British                     r          1
             Japanese                   nil         2
             Filipino                   nil          1

                               Total ...  102     lot

          Of abm-,. il will be noticed that too called at Manama!., while a8 called at Sitrah.
       All the tankships called at Sitrah.
          It will he seen that this decrease   in steamers’ visits has omirred mainly in those of the
       B.I.S.N. Coy.. Ltd., and the Striek-Kllerman Line.

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